Patrick Dane, once a would be filmmaker, has somewhat accidentally found himself as an entertainment journalist over the past two years. You may recognize him from around these parts, or you may not. Who's counting? From E3 to SDCC to the Top Gear track, Patrick has explored the world of entertainment wherever it has taken him. He is always happy to talk words at you. Hopefully the ones above will suffice your needs.
Posted in: Games, Movies, Recent Updates, Video Games | Tagged: Assassin's Creed Unity, Assassin's Creed: Victory, entertainment, ubisoft, Victorian England, video games
Assassin's Creed Is Headed To Victorian England
By Patrick Dane
The Assassins are coming to the big smoke. The annual, history-trotting franchise is still fresh from the releases of Assassin's Creed: Unity and Assassin's Creed: Rogue, but we now know where next year's trip is headed. For me, I'm not going to have to go very far.
According to Kotaku, Assassin's Creed is headed to Victorian London next year on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, leaving last-gen in the past. The franchise has also changed reigns from Ubisoft Montreal to Ubisoft Quebec, who have never taken on a full Assassin's Creed before. (Although they have experience with AC:3's The Tyranny of King Washington and AC:4's Freedom Cry DLC)
Kotaku say the game will be called Assassin's Creed: Victory and were handed a seven minute video showcasing "target gameplay footage". You can head over there to get a detailed breakdown of the footage since they didn't share the video, but I've posted a couple pictures below for you to gawk at.
Ubisoft have commented on this officially now too, confirming the leak. In an extract from PC Gamer, Ubisoft said:
It is always unfortunate when internal assets, not intended for public consumption, are leaked. And, while we certainly welcome anticipation for all of our upcoming titles, we're disappointed for our fans, and our development team, that this conceptual asset is now public. The team in our Quebec studio has been hard at work on the particular game in question for the past few years, and we're excited to officially unveil what the studio has been working on at a later date. In the meantime, our number one priority is enhancing the experience of Assassin's Creed Unity for players.
Personally, I'd prefer for the series to have done something drastically different from Unity's French revolution setting. While London and Paris were distinct at the respective time periods, we are talking about two European cities separated by around 50 years. After the trip to Paris, I'd have liked to have jumped into something dramatically different like Ancient Egypt.
Having said that, beggars can't be choosers and it will be interesting to run around London, seeing the places I know so well. I just hope Jack the Ripper is shied away from somewhat. One, because it is obvious, and two, we are talking about real, brutally murdered women. Not sure the places you can go with that are entirely savoury.
I have no doubt we will be seeing more on this plenty soon though.