Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: activision blizzard, Bungie, Destiny, destiny 2
Check Out Destiny 2 Live!
Bungie is currently livestreaming their gameplay reveal of Destiny 2 and we have to admit, we're pretty pleased with how things look so far. If you were planning to watch the stream on Twitch but hit an error telling you that Bungie stopped streaming an hour ago, you are not alone. We had the same trouble, so we're saving you the search.
You can watch the action streaming live below from Youtube, or check it out on Twitch here.
Unlike the original Destiny, Destiny 2 will be available at launch for PC, Xbox One, and PS4, though it will have some PS4 exclusive content until at least Fall 2018. An open beta will be available to everyone sometime this summer, but if you pre-order the game you can get into the beta a bit earlier than the rest of us.
What we do know about Destiny 2 so far is pretty basic, but we'll keep you updated as the stream goes.
- The DLC expansions will focus on returning characters Osiris and Rasputin, probably.
- Bungie gave us a teaser trailer to tease the actual announcement teasertrailer.
- The logo is incredibly photoshoppable.
- It has an early access beta for players who pre-order it.
- It will release on September 8, 2017.
- Your Guardian's physical appearance will carry over, but not their stats or equipment.
- The Red War Campaign is our fist story mission.
- We'll have more missions and cinematics than in any part of Destiny or its expansions.
- Strikes are back.
- The Inverted Spire is a new strike for us all to die during, which takes us to the new world Nessus where we fight through a Vex stronghold.
- The Crucible is back.
- PvP is 4v4 across all game modes, with an updated HUD.
- We have new maps and new modes for The Crucible, including the Countdown attack-defend mode.
- And we've got a new raid, though we won't see it until later.
- We'll have to explore the new game worlds, because that's a thing we wanted.
- We don't need to return to orbit to get through different missions or modes on a world.
- Patrols, ambient encounters are back.
- The new Lost Sectors are, essentially dungeons with treasure and a boss.
- The new map in Destiny 2 will make finding activities a hell of a lot easier.
- We have four brand new worlds which look pretty sick, to be honest. Those worlds are: Europa, Titan, Nessus, and Io.
- We will now have Clans in Destiny 2 to make raiding a hell of a lot easier. Official clan support will exist in game to make it easier to manage and grow a community and put fireteams together. Those clans will have flags.
- Clans will have a group rewards system, so you can help your clan out if you raid every day or go around exploring new worlds.
- Destiny 2 will have guided games, which allow solo players to join a clan for a specific Raid, Nightfall Strike, etc. So you can get a taste of a clan before joining it. And this way, clans can fill in a few missing spots if they're down a member for their fireteam.
- Blizzard will be hosting the PC version of Destiny 2 exclusively on like all of Blizzard's titles.
And finally, here's the official gameplay trailer for Destiny 2, featuring Cayde-6, Zavala, and Ikora Rey.