Posted in: Comics, Comics Publishers | Tagged: Anthony D. Lee, ben templesmith, devil's due, Devil's Due Publishing, dirk manning, HRL, James Reddington, mr. rhee, Seth Damoose, Tales of Mr. Rhee
You Only Have One Week Left To Grab The Tales Of Mr. Rhee Vol. 4 Hardcover
Tales of Mr. Rhee is a fun horror series of graphic novels written by one Dirk Manning. Mr. Rhee is a pretty cool character, a magician who helps fix problems in a world already torn apart by armageddon. He only works on referrals, but if you are calling on him for his services, chances are you're already boned.
This is a great horror comic; very macabre. It is also a true indie success story in comics. Almost all of that is due to the tireless work ethic of Manning, the creator of the property.
Currently on Kickstarter and actually all the way fully funded, Vol. 4 is coming. It features a gorgeous cover by Ben Templesmith. Sounds a lot like our hero is in some trouble in this one:
In TALES OF MR. RHEE: "Everything Burns," we meet Mr. Rhee at a crossroads moment in his life: After years of betrayal at the hands of almost everyone he's ever known, he must now decide if he trusts his lover Charity and her clandestine monster-hunting organization The P.R.O.M.I.S.E. Group as his most dangerous foe – the arch-demon Ranobus – returns to destroy him and everyone who stands between them. Written by Dirk Manning (NIGHTMARE WORLD, WRITE OR WRONG), illustrated by Seth Damoose (SAVANTS, TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 2), colored by Anthony D. Lee (2000 AD, TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 2) and lettered by James Reddington (NIGHTMARE WORLD, TALES OF MR. RHEE) with a cover by Ben Templesmth (30 DAYS OF NIGHT, GOTHAM AFTER MIDNIGHT), this latest volume of the "Cthulhu Noir" horror series is a 120+ page original graphic novel that represents the biggest, most most ambitious, and powerful (not to mention terrifying and emotionally impactful) TALES OF MR. RHEE story to date!
They are also offering some cool stretch goals. Already unlocked are signed bookplates by the creative team, signed prints of the cover by Templesmith, bonus digital comics, and even boxes of matches. Still available to unlock in the last week: another exclusive pin-up and something truly cool: a demon exorcism kit from Mr. Rhee himself. I asked Dirk what this campaign has meant to himself and the book this time, and as usual, he was humble and thankful:
"Even with one week left in the campaign I am still humbled that we have been able to run such a successful campaign. The 'common wisdom' is to not launch a Kickstarter on a Friday, but when we launched this campaign on Friday October 13th we hit our funding goal of $13,000 in 3 hours and 13 minutes. If I wrote something like that people would accuse me of being too hokey. It's just awe-inspiring to me to get this level of support for TALES OF MR. RHEE."
You can check it all out here.