Posted in: Comics, Image, Review | Tagged: Dee Cunniffe, Donny Cates, image comics, Lisandro Estherren, rednecks, skybound, souhtern, vampires
Redneck #9 Review: Southern Religious Zealot Vampires – What More Could You Need?
Father Landry and his crew have captured Bartlett and his people, including Perry. Before things get too bad, the police arrive, and Landry has to hide away Bartlett's people. He orchestrates a cover for the noise, but it may not be foolproof.
I'm going to loop back to this in another review soon, but it really is something when you can pick up a comic you've not read before and discern what's going on within a few pages.
I go back and forth about how fair it is to judge a single issue of a comic without reading its prior installments, but I keep reading comics like Redneck #9 where it's surprisingly easy to figure out what is happening. As such, it's hard not to judge comics that fail in that regard.
In any case, Rednecks #9 starts its tale off strongly with a recreation of many a tense climax in Southern Gothic tales. Landry holding Perry, and his people subduing Bartlett and his boys.
That intensity isn't lost over the course of the comic. The arrival of the police officers keeps the situation on edge, giving the Bowmans a hope for a way out.
Unfortunately, the police waylaying of Landry's plans does end up feeling like some padding. However, it does hit upon a point that may come into play later on in Redneck.
Landry proves to be a compelling villain. He's crafty, sadistic, and defiant toward any power above himself. That does make his status as a "Father" quite ironic.
Lissandro Estherren's artwork has a gritty style to it that makes it quite fitting for Redneck. The character designs definitely look like the kinds of people you find in the American South. Landry is a towering and broad figure akin to many a good-ole-boys in wife-beaters in my neck of the woods. Dee Cunniffe's color art brings a layer of grim darkness accented by a lot of bloodshed.
Redneck #9 brings a tale that quickly absorbs the reader and doesn't let go until the final page. Donny Cates continues to prove his ability to tell a compelling occult story, and the artistic of Estherren and Cunniffe keep the visuals appropriately grimy and bloody. This one gets a recommendation. Check it out.