Posted in: Comics | Tagged: #xmenmonday, jordan white, journalistic untegrity, marvel, x-men
Marvel's Jordan White on #XMenMonday: "What is This Plug Called?
For the second week in a row, Marvel X-Editor Jordan White has flaunted #XMenMonday tradition by refusing to tweet previews of upcoming X-Men comics. White, who has repeatedly skipped the sacred holiday, instead using his platform to promote his career as a musical recording artist or to tweet about the band Ween. Though White has the right to use his personal Twitter account however he sees fit, #XMenMonday tweets are an important commodity in the clickbait comics news business, supplying websites with a reliable stream of low-effort content repurposing opportunities that many reporters and websites have come to rely on.
With no clicks to be had from White's tweets, comic book journalists around the internet have been forced to resort to dangerous activities just to earn a few likes or retweets, such as sparking discussion with readers.
White isn't unaware of the comic book media's reliance on his Tweets for literal sustenance. White was promoted to Senior Editor at Marvel in December after openly boasting that he could force respected comic book websites such as Bleeding Cool to publish articles about absolutely anything he tweets on a Monday simply by withholding the vital #XMenMonday previews.
White is totally wrong, of course. Bleeding Cool, a pillar of comics journalism, would never betray its integrity by allowing a Marvel Comics editor to dictate the content we publish on a Monday simply because we're desperate for clicks.
Instead, we're going to do it on a Tuesday.
While White was avoiding his civic duties by refusing to post #XMenMonday tweets, he instead took to the social media service to post a photo of a plug, asking followers, "what is this kind of plug called?"
Not only does the plug in question, which is indisputably a Micro USB type B male connector, not have anything to do with the X-Men or even comics in general, but even worse, the replies to White's tweets are full of rampant disinformation.
It's not hard to tell.
Definitely not USB A.
Micro, type B.
Oh come on!
A few followers did correctly identify the plug as a Micro USB type B connector, but as there was no general consensus, readers will come away from reading the thread no wiser as to the plug's true nature than before they started. It's sort of like X-Men fans hoping to see previews of upcoming X-Books who will enter Tuesday no wiser than before as to what's coming up in their favorite comics magazines.
Or at least, they would, if not for the heroic efforts of the always reliable X-Writer Kelly Thompson, proving herself more useful than both her twin brother Zac Thompson, who also did not post any #XmenMonday tweets, and White, by posting a look at February's issue of Mr. and Mrs. X.
As we enter the second week of White's #XMenMonday shutdown, Bleeding Cool will be closely following this story, and White's Twitter account, looking for updates and, hopefully, upcoming X-Book previews. We will continue to keep readers apprised of this developing crisis.