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The State of CW's DCU [Part 1]: Where We See Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, and Black Lightning Going [PREVIEW]
With CW's "Arrowverse" and "Arrowverse"-friendly shows (The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Black Lightning, and DC's Legends of Tomorrow) either on hiatus for one more week or still on their seasonal break, your designated DC gatekeepers at Bleeding Cool feel now is as good a time as any to share our three-part conversation on "The State of The CW DCU."
Today, we take look at what we hope to get from these series throughout the remainder of their current seasons or their initial return. Over the next two days, we will also share our thoughts on where we'd like to see the various series start next season, now that all current "Arrowverse" and "Arrowverse"-friendly series have been renewed for the 2019-2020 season; and what we'd like to see come out of next fall's "Arrowverse" crossover "Crisis on Infinite Earths."
What do want to see for the remainder of the current seasons?
Andy Wilson: Let's start with Supergirl. We've already been teased Manchester Black and The Elite, Lex Luthor, and Red Daughter. That should almost be enough, but, really, I want to see how they defeat the Sons of Liberty. How do you defeat hate and xenophobia?
Joey Mills: By beating it over the head with socio-political metaphors? The CW is not known for subtle exploration of important issues, is it? In my opinion, the most moving pieces of entertainment as commentary tend to build empathy for characters by making them "like us", then pull back the curtain and show that if these characters are the villains, then we need to reflect on what that says about us as a society. Supergirl needs fewer mustache twirling villains and a more nuanced approach, I feel.
Let's talk about Arrow. We've been led to believe that Oliver made some sort of deal with the Monitor in this season's crossover that we expect to be cashed in during next year's event. Every season, the crossovers become more bombastic. Every season, someone will make an off-the-cuff remark about the crossover sometime when the shows return from hiatus in mid-January. Every season, they're completely forgotten by February. Surely Arrow should be ratcheting up the tension for Oliver, no?
Andy: What is up with Future Rene? Can we get him back in his hockey mask taking down baddies, please? Please don't write Curtis off the show. Please don't have Felicity actually be dead in the future.
Joey: It feels like the arc for the future stories will result in some sort of resolution where not-vigilante Rene and not-dead Felicity will return to saving the city, perhaps as leaders/mentors for the younger generation.
Back in the present day, I feel like we need a villain. ARGUS is chasing Dante, but with Diaz behind bars–for now?–and the loose end with Stanley tied up, we're entering March without a major villain looming large over the remaining episodes. Who's going to outman, outgun, and outmatch the SCPD this May?
Andy: And let's hope Emiko pricks Oliver's social conscience again. I miss the "YOU FAILED THIS CITY" revenge vibe against the greedy and corrupt. Let's get back to those roots.
As for Black Lightning, I'm looking for the ultimate family team-up: Black Lightning, Thunder and Lightning taking down Tobias Whale. And, of course, mom helps–Lynn Stewart has to be the key to freeing all of the kids from the pods and preventing Tobias from becoming an international metahuman arms dealer. And I just can't get enough Bill Duke. He's so deliciously sinister and you're not sure if he's a bad guy or maybe could be good? It's perfect.
Joey: How about The Flash? I'd like an explanation why Eobard of the future is the Tom Cavanaugh version of the character. Didn't that version die when Eddie killed himself in the season 1 finale? If not, that sure seems to undercut his sacrifice.
Andy: Yeah. Also, I like Cavanaugh as Thawne. More of him. Also more of Cavanaugh as Sherloque trying to date Kimberly Williams-Paisley. And I feel like I say this every week: Candice Patton as Iris is the cast's secret weapon, both as an actress and a character. She's the team leader. More of her putting plans together. I also eagerly await the return of Jesse L. Martin to the show after his back injury. We've missed you!
Joey: Absolutely. He's the heart and soul of the show. While it doesn't return until April, let's go ahead and bring up Legends of Tomorrow.
Andy: More Matt Ryan as Constantine, more Matt Ryan as Constantine, more Matt Ryan as Constantine, more Matt Ryan as Constantine, and more Matt Ryan as Constantine. Every episode could just be Constantine featuring the other Legends and I'm happy with this. His storyline and character arc is the most interesting and we need to resolve everything they've teased so far.
Joey: Constantine is certainly a standout character this season. I feel Zari is coming into her own as a character as well this season. Also, I wonder which of the writers for the show will inevitably publish some version of Mick's romantic sci-fi novel and release it at San Diego Comic Con this year.
Let us know what you think below, and join us tomorrow as we share our thoughts on where we'd like to see the various series start their seasons heading into "Crisis."