Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Age of X-Man, marvel, x-men
Age of X-Man Ends with Age of X-Man Omega in July
Zac Thompson, Lonnie Nadler, and Todd Nauck stopped by SyfyWire's ECCC Livestream to chat about the X-Men, and Thompson let slip a somewhat predictable announcement. The Age of X-Man began in January when X-Man transported almost all of Earth's mutants to an alternate reality where everyone is a mutant and so mutants finally get the respect they deserve at the end of X-Men Disassembled, leading into the Age of X-Man Alpha one-shot. And so it stands to reason that Age of X-Man will end with Age of X-Man Omega, and Thompson confirmed that is the case. According to Thompson, the end of Age of X-Man will come when Age of X-Man Omega hits stores in July.
"There's so much time travel," said Thompson when speaking about trying to wrangle X-Men history into an event comic. "There's so much retcon. It kind of makes it charming in its own way, but it's hard to keep up with it."
Thompson and Nadler attempted to read 30 years worth of X-Men stories to get ready for the job. Nauck talked about the freedom he and Chris Claremont had on their 2014 Nightcrawler series, thanks to the book not needing to tie in too directly with the other X-Men books at the time. Thompson and Nadler, on the other hand, have to deal with 70 characters in Age of X-Man, and they revealed they use a Google spreadsheet to keep up with things.
Hopefully, all the bookkeeping pays off and Thompson and Nadler can hold things together for the next several months to deliver a satisfying ending in Age of X-Man Omega. And then, of course, it's on to the next big X-event, and time for someone else to build a spreadsheet.
Other conversation touched on the Summers family, how Cyclops was right, 90s comics fashion trends, the joys of 80s and 90s X-Men comics and cartoons, how everyone became a fan of the greatest franchise in comics, and how Axel Alonso invited Thompson and Nadler to pitch a Legion book that Peter Milligan ultimately landed. You can watch the whole thing in the video below: