Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Batkid, Batman, dc
Comics Industry Reacts To… Batkid
It's no secret that Batkid saved San Francisco – the little guy also made his way into hearts around the world. The Make A Wish foundation certainly changed the life of Miles, but also showed the world that a little kindness and generosity can truly bring people together. Obama thanked him for saving Gotham. And Christian Bale said "I looked on the news and I saw this headline and thought, 'What's that?' And I saw all the pictures of him running around and saving people. It's so touching." Videos and pictures are popping up like wildfire across the internet, onlookers posting their favorite moments or fans simply retweeting the awesomeness that was Batkid. Below, the world of comics celebrates and rejoices Batkid for his bravery (and cuteness). Because, let's be honest – a 5 year old who conquered cancer is a true hero:
One of my favorite #BatKid photos from yesterday.
— Mike Ellis (@TheMikeEllis) November 16, 2013
Batkid. Best Batman ever. #SFBatKid #MakeAWish @SFWish
— Ben Affleck (@BenAffleck) November 16, 2013
GO #Batkid!!!…simply amazing!
— Jim Lee (@JimLee) November 16, 2013
City of San Francisco & what they did for #Batkid? One of the many reasons of why I love this Country :)
— FrancescoFrancavilla (@f_francavilla) November 16, 2013
The Cast of Arrow shows Batkid some love:
No crime left to fight. Thanks #BatKid
— Stephen Amell (@amellywood) November 16, 2013
I can't read too much of the Batkid story, or I start sobbing like a baby. (Still on drugs.)
— Josh Flanagan (@JAFlanagan) November 16, 2013
Aw jeez Batkid is the best.
— Doc Shaner (@DocShaner) November 15, 2013
I have a bunch of work to do, but I'm sitting here bawling while I watch #Batkid rescue the SF Giants Seal and capture the Penguin.
— Ron Marz (@ronmarz) November 15, 2013
Oh man. Just reading about #BatKid. I think I must have something in my eye.
— Andy Diggle (@andydiggle) November 15, 2013
#Batkid makes me smile and tear up every time I think of him.
— Scott Morse (@crazymorse) November 15, 2013
you go, #batkid
— Oeming (@Oeming) November 15, 2013
Batkid has not only saved the day, but he has reminded each of us that heroes come in all sizes. My heart thanks you #SFBatKid @MakeAWish
— Dan Schoening (@Dapperpomade) November 15, 2013
Oh, just sitting here tearing up over the Batkid story. Good thing I don't have to write anything cynical for at least a day or two.
— James Asmus (@JamesAsmus) November 15, 2013
I would rather watch a Batkid movie/doc than 6 of the last 7 Batman movies. :)
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) November 15, 2013
Sweet mercy–this whole story has me teared up. #batkid
— Brian Hurtt (@brihurtt) November 15, 2013
And to think I was actually worried about the turnout for #Batkid.
— Jeff Lester (@Lazybastid) November 15, 2013
Feel bad that I laughed. RT @nealbrennan I think the worst part of the Batkid thing was killing his parents in front of him to add realism.
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) November 17, 2013