Posted in: Comics | Tagged: chris schlerf, Comics, dark horse, eve online, halo, Josh Williamson, Mac Walters, NYCC, scott allie, serenity, tomm coker, tommy lee edwards, Torfi Frans Olafsson, vandroid
Dark Horse, Rewriting The Classics: Modern Sci-Fi in Comics
Alejandra Bodden writes;
Dark Horse publicist Aub Driver and Scott Allie (Editor in-chief) were joined by Mac Walters (MASS EFFECT), Tommy Lee Edwards (VANDROID), Josh Williamson (PREDATOR new series), Chris Schlerf (HALO), Tomm Coker & Torfi Frans Olafsson (CCP and EVE Online Universe).
First, Driver went over MASS EFFECT FOUNDATION, showing us two new covers and letting Walters talk to us about it- he said his work is about to wrap up. He explained they took the concept of the series HOMEWORLDS, focusing on individual characters and tying together with one introduces in one of the DLC packs- which they are using as the main thread through the series.
Then they went over HALO, first announcing to those who didn't know that it has come to Dark Horse that there are three issues series that is out now. There will also be a new series that starts in December/January and taking off for the remainder of 2014- HALO: ESCALATION. Which is set in the real time now, "moving on, directly forward from the events of the last game," Schlerf explains, allowing them to show the contemporary state of the universe. Both, Sarah Palmer and Captain Tom Lasky are involved in it, and Schlerf said that since it is a very wide universe we will be saying a lot of new faces and a lot of familiar faces, as well.
Next up we had: EVE. Coker and Torfi were there announcing the dates for the new EVE books, which will be in two parts. The first one, EVE SOURCE will hit shelves on February/March 2014 and EVE TRUE STORIES will be out in June 2014.
Right after was VANDROID, which they introduced us to with an amazing trailer: live action and referencing to the 80's style. Driver and Edwards spoke about how this was a lost trailer and that Edwards restored it. Edwards told us the story about how it, all of it, was lost and destroyed in a fire. The only thing that survived was the soundtrack done by Nick Nicola; him and Nicola found pieces by pieces until they got most of the screenplay bringing it to a different format, which has never been done before. Edwards is still working on it with Dan McDade (drawing it) and Melissa Edwards (coloring), his wife. It will be a five-issue series and will be launching in February 2014.
Next we have: SERENITY! (Not to lie, this is the one that I am most excited about). It will be a six-issue mini-series, which Zack Whedon will be writing with art by Georges Jeanty. It wil be coming out in January 2014.
Then we have TERMINATOR SALVATION: THE FINAL BATTLE by J. Michael Strackzynski with a female antagonist. And we will also have TERMINATOR: ENEMY OF MY ENEMY, which will be launching January 19th, 2014.
Dark Horse will also be revamping some major properties beginning with ALIENS, which Chris Roberson will be taking on. With that, they will also be relaunching PREDATOR which Joshua Williamson will be taking over. There will also be a new PROMETHEUS and ALIEN VS. PREDATOR. It will all be in the same universe taking place at the same time.
And last, but not least, we have STAR WARS! The series going on right now is an adaptation of George Lucas' original screenplay and they also have Brian Wood's STAR WARS, which takes place between Episodes 4 and 5 and will run through the entirety of 2013. Matt Kindt will, also, be doing a four-issue mini-series in the Spring of 2014, which will take place within the original trilogy storyline.