Posted in: Comics | Tagged: amazing spider-man, avengers, batgirl, batman and robin, Comics, dc, image, Locke & Key, marvel, phantom stranger, punk rock Jesus, saga, saucer country, suicide squad, the boys, thief of thieves, ultimates, walking dead, Wolverine And The Uncanny X-Men
Fourteen Thoughts About Fourteen Comics – Batgirl, Amazing Spider-Man, Walking Dead, Thief Of Thieves, Saga, Ultimates, Wolverine And The Uncanny X-Men, Avengers, The Boys, Suicide Squad, Phantom Stranger, Punk Rock Jesus, Locke & Key And Saucer Country
And there we have it. Saucer Country out and says it, conflating conspiracy theories about political assassination and alien abduction, and giving one who has experienced the one, a close call with the other and finding the parallels.
The new Locke And Key series starts. It's Omega, it's about endings, so of course it's also about beginnings as well. Looks to the past, afraid of the future, but it's coming anyway…
Thief Of Thieves actually has moments that remind me of Walking Dead. Certain notes of language, certain directions, and that last page splash reveal that twists the story right around, James Asmus seems to be doing a rather interesting take of Kirkmanisms. And then giving us statistics mixed up with filth as well…
Punk Rock Jesus... look, I'll say it, 32 pages, no ad breaks, $2.99. This is your current best deal on the stands. It also helps that it is dense, funny, destructive and outrageous too. Sometimes too obvious, often annoyingly dogmatic – which is rather ironic, it's a heart felt scream that's masterfully told. And good value too.
Yeah, don't make Star Wars jokes to Judas Iscariot. Never goes down well.
Seriously Joker? Nothing better to do than take a look at Deadshot's dead sausage, then give it a trim? You know what? Maybe I'm wrong, maybe the DC New 52 can publish a John Constantine worthy of the name…
And so The Boys ends. As often with a Garth Ennis book, most of the action was concluded in the previous issue, now it's time to take stock, reflect, tie up one or two loose ends with some furiously filthy sexual shenanigans, hold your girl in your hand and walk off into the sunset, which remembering those who fell at your side… and Darick Robertson back for one last swing at them all.
Peter Parker gets a little Goblin envy in Amazing Spider-Man, with an ending that gives us a villanous version of Batman Inc, which seems rather more believable. And gets ahead of Nemesis 2 as well…
Walking Dead finds new horrors, as it continues to tell Carl's story as a kid forced to grow up way ahead of his time. And basically, issue by issue, turning him into Nick Fury. The Garth Ennis Nick Fury.
Michael Avon Oeming draws an incredible Avengers as the series draws to an end, turning it for all purposes into an adrenaline fueled issue of Powers. Check out those eyes, has Doctor Strange ever looked so alien since Steve Ditko? As the ex-Damon Hellstrom frames the page… chilling and frantic stuff.
Wolverine And The X-Men again causes problems by going outside the school gates to find new mutants, such as this Syfy Channel creation, giving us the usual drop in interest. Or humour. Or whatever magical quality kept in those walls that makes this the new Giffen/DeMatteis JLI. Seriously guys, stay in school, you've seen the posters. Although we do get a last page reveal of some very interesting mutants indeed… worth running later I think.
You would wouldn't you? Celebrate a saved USA with a Captain America tattoo. But the battle is still continuing, just the staging grounds of The Ultimates have changed. Now, bring on the jingoistic rhetoric! It's all gone rather "do you think this stands for France?"
Saga #7 gives us tales of sectarianism, in-laws and the largest testicles you've seen in your life. And they don't even match. Ireland, Israel/Palestine, wings and horns, when it comes down to it, it's all a load of balls.
While Batgirl gives us one of the biggest pulling-the-rug, pull-back-and-reveal moments of the week… will you see this one coming? I didn't…
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London.
Ahead of her appearance at this year's Malta Comic-Con in December, Orbital is proud to host a brief retrospective of Emma Rios' work. Featuring some of her very favourite pieces, there will be pages from Osborn, Cloak & Dagger, Amazing Spider-man, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange Season One, Prophet & more. This very special exhibition is on from November 21 to December 4, so hurry down and admire Emma's gorgeous work in person.