Posted in: Comics | Tagged: 1826, 77 Publishing, After the Robot Apocalypse, aka Machima, Alex Moore, andrew Wildman, Art Bubble, B7 Comics, Beatrice Mossman, cam smith, Catfood Comics, Centrala, charlie adlard, Chris Askham, Chris Mole, clark bint, CoCo Comics, Colossive Press, Comics Youth CIC, Conundrum Press, Dan Whitehead, dave mckean, david taylor, doctor geof, Drawn Strip, Drew Marr, Ed Firth, Emma Evans, Emma Reynolds, Fanfare UK, First Graphic Novel Competition, Foxhat, Galaxia Prince, I&M Illustration, Indie Novella, Iqbal A. Comics, Isabel Hatherall, Jack Harvey, Jenika Ioffreda, Jessika Green, Joe Latham, Jon Davis, Kaarinart, Kannter Art, Kate-Mia White, Katie Handley, kev f sutherland, Kevin Wells, Knockabout Comics, LDComics, lewis campbell, Lucie Lomová, Lucy Sullivan, Luke Hyde, Lyndon White, Lyndsey Green, Manon Wright, Markus Pattern, Martin Simpson, Matt Simmons, matt smith, Mehdi Annassi, Meraki Comics, Mollie Ray, MoonSquid INK, Nevercity Creations, Nick Sulek, Nigel Parkinson, Nona Gallery, Owen Michael Johnson, Parable Games, Paul Shinn, Peak Hare Collective, Pete Doree, Peter Hogan, Phil Elliott, Power Comics Studios, Rachael Smith, RAWHEAD, Reabault, roger langridge, Russell Mark Olson, Sayra Begum, Schnumn, Scratch Comics, Sector 13 Comics, selfmadehero, Shaun Martland, simon furman, Sloth Comics, steve white, Steven Fraser, Tal Bros, The Cartoon Museum, The Pig Patch, Tim Bird, tom ward, Warwick Fraser-Coombe, Yomi Ayeni, Zara Slattery
Frankie Boyle & Josie Long Come To The Lakes Comic Art Festival 2023
The Lakes International Comic Art Festival has revealed comedians Frankie Boyle and Josie Long as performing guests at this year’s show.
The Lakes International Comic Art Festival has revealed comedians Frankie Boyle and Josie Long as performing guests at this year's Comedians on Comics opening night of its annual weekend-long gathering, now in Bowness-on-Windermere, running from Friday the 29th of September to Sunday, the 1st of October. Modelled on European-style festivals, such as Angoulême in France, the annual Festival usually takes over the whole town for a weekend of comic art.
Taking place at the Old Laundry Theatre, Frankie and Josie will discuss some of their favourite books and comics through the medium of chat, readings, and answering audience questions. Opening Night tickets, available now, sold separately to the Festival Weekend Pass, are on sale now and are expected to sell out quickly. Both Frankie and Josie will also perform solo shows over the same weekend at the Old Laundry Theatre.
"Our opening nights have always been driven by comedy, and one-of-a-kind event this year is no exception," says Festival Director Julie Tait. "Book now, even though we haven't quite worked out what the show is yet," encourages Frankie Boyle. "You probably won't be disappointed!" Frankie Boyle has written comic books in the past, including for Mark Millar and Titan Magazine's Clint, Rex Royd with Michael Dowling.
Frankie Boyle is one of the UK's biggest stand-up comedians and a lifelong comics fan, known for his TV shows New World Order, Tramadol Nights, and regular appearances on Mock The Week. He has proved a controversial figure over the decades and received considerable criticism for making jokes about Katie Price's son disabilities, and for telling rape jokes. though he has defended them in context. The Lakes has a reputation for guests that cause headlines, and this may well be one.
Josie Long is a similarly famous comedian, writer, podcaster, and filmmaker, and has previously written at length about her favourite comic books, and appeared in comic book-themed shows. Her debut book, a collection of short stories called Because I Don't Know What You Mean and What You Don't, is published later this May, and she will be touring the UK to promote it on her "Long Book Tour".
Also announced as attending the event are Charlie Adlard, Mehdi Annassi, aka Machima, Peter Hogan, Lucie Lomová, Dave McKean, Rachael Smith and "Awkward Yeti" creator Nick Sulek, with many more to be revealed over the next to months. The Festival is also aiming to boost its offering for younger comic readers, as well as established fans with a crowdfunding campaign to support the work of its "Little LICAF" team. The organisation states that it is determined to help grow new audiences, echoing the work of many other comic events, representatives of several of them visiting the Festival this year for an event that will provide an opportunity for an exchange of ideas. Early backers of the Little LICAF Crowdfundr can choose to buy a Festival 2023 Weekend Ticket for £20.
Lisa Richards Presents Frankie Boyle: Lap of Shame – 6.30pm Saturday 30th September 2023, The Old Laundry Theatre, Bowness-on-Windermere | Tickets £20. Frankie Boyle's on tour. Buy a ticket, because by the time he arrives, the currency will be worthless and you and your neighbours part of a struggling militia that could probably use a few laughs/ Age Restriction: 16+ Show policies: no phones/recording, no latecomers, no re-admittance
Josie Long – Re-enchantment – 8.00pm Saturday 30th September 2023, The Old Laundry Theatre, Bowness-on-Windermere | Tickets £16.50 / Financial Difficulty Concession (limited tickets available) £10. "After defeat, re-enchantment is necessary", said Lola Olufemi. This thought inspires Josie Long's brand-new show of stand-up infused with humanity, compassion and some brief political rants. The triple Edinburgh Comedy Award nominee, underdog Fringe hero and delirious new mother (the first person to have two babies) returns with a show about the changes wrought by time, passion, moving to Scotland, and loving the world under – let's face it – difficult circumstances. Age guidance: 14+ Running time: 1hr 40 mins
Other comic creators attending include Chris Askham, Yomi Ayeni, Sayra Begum, Clark Bint, Tim Bird, Lewis Campbell, Jon Davis, Pete Doree, Phil Elliott, Emma Evans, Ed Firth, Simon Furman, Steven Fraser, Warwick Fraser-Coombe, Jessika Green, Lyndsey Green, Katie Handley, Isabel Hatherall, Jack Harvey, Luke Hyde, Jenika Ioffreda, Owen Michael Johnson, Roger Langridge, Joe Latham, Russell Mark Olson, Shaun Martland, Drew Marr, Chris Mole, Alex Moore, Beatrice Mossman, Nigel Parkinson, Markus Pattern, Mollie Ray, Reabault, Emma Reynolds, Schnumn, Paul Shinn, Martin Simpson, Matt Simmons, Zara Slattery, Cam Smith, Matt Smith, Rachael Smith, Lucy Sullivan, Kev F Sutherland, David Taylor, Tom Ward, Kevin Wells, Lyndon White, Kate-Mia White, Steve White, Dan Whitehead, Andrew Wildman, Manon Wright & Tal Brosh, and other publishers and exhibitors include 1826, 77 Publishing, After the Robot Apocalypse, Art-Bubble, B7 Comics, The Cartoon Museum, Catfood Comics, Centrala, CoCo Comics, Colossive Press, Comics Youth CIC, Conundrum Press, Doctor Geof, Drawn Strip, Fanfare UK, First Graphic Novel Competition, Foxhat, Galaxia Prince, I&M Illustration, Indie Novella, Iqbal A. Comics, Kaarinart, Kannter Art, Knockabout Comics, LDComics, Meraki Comics, MoonSquid INK, Nevercity Creations, Nona Gallery, Parable Games, Peak Hare Collective, The Pig Patch, Power Comics Studios, RAWHEAD, Scratch Comics, Sector 13 Comics, SelfMadeHero and Sloth Comics.