Posted in: Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: Carlo Barberi, dc comics, green lantern, Green Lanterns, jessica cruz, justice league, sci-fi, simon baz, superheroes, tim seeley
Green Lanterns #37 Review: Great Story with Mismatched Art
Green Lanterns Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz are called to Ungara to answer the growing riots on the planet. With the death of Commodore Psyt, The Ungarans are calling for Molite blood. The situation has worsened with the apparent kidnapping of a number of young Ungarans by the Molites. Simon and Jessica hope to bring peace back to the planet, but the situation may be even more complex than they thought.
The call for immigrant Molite blood and the nationalism of the Ungarans rings all too true to the recent political climate across the United States and much of Europe. Kudos to Tim Seeley for bringing this relevant tale to life in such an engaging manner.
The signs of "Ungara for the Ungarans" and the extremist group "Red Tide" (red being the color of Ungaran skin) is all-too reminiscent of the rise of populist white nationalist groups in the western world. The fact that the explosion of these sentiments is the thing that the titular Green Lanterns are trying to stop gives me some continued hope for the comics industry and the world at large.
As always, Green Lanterns Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz are lovable and engaging characters, Tim Seeley continuing to show that he gets these two heroes.
The comic is tense, with even the Molites not resembling the naïve subterranean beings we saw in issues past. Ungara is a time-bomb about to blow, and there are factions hoping to hasten towards that and war.
Carlo Barberi may not be the best artist to bring this tale to life, unfortunately. While his style is largely appealing and even fits our heroes fairly well, it is a little too light-hearted and airy for the ripped-from-the-headlines story being told by Green Lanterns. This is no knock towards his artistic skill; it is just misused in this comic.
Ulises Arreola's color art suffers a similar problem. It is bright, upbeat, and high energy. However, that's not what the narrative calls for, and it just seems a little out-of-place.
Despite the issues with the artwork, Green Lanterns #37 is still an engaging and tense issue. The story is visceral, and the ending promises that it will test the limits of our heroes. This one is easily recommended. Give it a read.