Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, dc, milestone, robert washington iii, static, static shock
Help Prevent Static's Co-Creator Being Buried In A Pauper's Grave
Christian Hoffer writes for Bleeding Cool;
As most of you are aware, Robert Washington III passed away last week. Mr. Washington is best known as the co-writer of the original Static series with the late Dwayne McDuffie and also wrote a number of other Milestone series. Mr. Washington had a large role in Static's formative years and helped make the character into the endearing hero that's appeared in multiple cartoons and comic books over the last twenty years.
Mr. Washington fell onto hard times after the speculation bubble burst in the late 1990s. He often needed help paying bills and found himself homeless on multiple occasions. The Hero Initiative often assisted him with paying rent and bills, and he recently wrote a one page comic detailing his experiences as a struggling former creator for the non-profit organization.
After his passing, it was discovered that Mr. Washington was in danger of being buried in an unmarked pauper's grave due to a lack of family and financial means to bury him. Craig Hicks, a childhood friend of Washington, began the process of raising funds via the Hero Initiative to pay for a modest funeral.
Thanks to the efforts of Mr. Hicks and Mark Langshaw over at DigitalSpy, the New York Medical Examiner's Office has put Mr. Washington's body on hold so that funds can be raised to bury Mr. Washington. However, should the campaign stall or fail, Mr. Washington will still wind up on Hart Island, home to New York City's indigent burials, without any ceremony or respect and his only lasting memorial will be the Milestone Comics that many have read and enjoyed.
If you'd like to do your part to ensure this doesn't happen, please donate to the Hero Initiative and ask that your donation be put towards Robert Washington's funeral expenses. Any money not used towards Mr. Washington's funeral will be used to help other comic book creators in need.
Please help Mr. Washington receive a fitting final resting place. While Mr. Washington might not have had the most prolific comic book career, he was still a part of the comic book community and helped write some of the many stories that we've enjoyed throughout the years. Thank you for your time and help.