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Mary Jane Watson, Controlled By Moira Mactaggert (X-Spoilers)

In Marvel' Comcis'; Free Comic Book Day titles this year, we encountered Mary Jane Watson in the clutches of the now-robotic Moira Mactaggert , plotting a return to the island of Krakoa to cause some serious harm on behalf of the Orchis organisation. In  her new state, she sees people as footnotes now, as playthings, pawns to be moved.

Venom To Be A Magical Being In The Marvel Universe? FCBD Spoilers

Mary Jane Watson – who may be on the outs with Peter Parker now, but her other links to the Marvel Universe, including being a former supermodel and actress, gets her an invite to the Hellfire Gala, the big party being held on Krakoa for a second year.

Venom To Be A Magical Being In The Marvel Universe? FCBD Spoilers

How literal will we be taking the "wearing you"? Just a lookalike or a skinjob? Well X-Men: Hellfire Club #1 is published today and it reveals all.

Marvel Comics Wednesday X-Men

In the Amazing Spider-Man comic books, she seems to be under some spryt of control by her new "partner" Paul, who she suddenly seems to have had children with. Is everyone looking to control Mary Jane Watson right now.

Mary Jane Watson, Controlled By Moira MacTaggert (Spoilers)

No longer a mutant and now a techno organic creation from the future, Moira can't go back to Krakoa uninvited anymore. And it's clear why.

Marvel Comics Wednesday X-Men

So instead, she has to take a ride on an invited guest. The last time she killed Banshee and took his skin, to get through the Krakoan gates. This time, she lets Mary Jane Watson wear her rather than Moira wear Mary.

Marvel Comics Wednesday X-Men

And she doesn't even give her former partner Peter Parker in his brand new Krakoan duds the time of day. Which is a little on the cold side.

Marvel Comics Wednesday X-Men


Stuff goes down, of course. And while Moira Mctaggert is distracted, tracking down former progeny, Mary Jane Watson finds a way out.

Mary Jane Watson, Controlled By Moira MacTaggert (Spoilers)

Speaking to the only one who might actually pick up on it.

Mary Jane Watson, Controlled By Moira MacTaggert (Spoilers)

With Spider-Man and Wolverine on the case, Moira Mactaggert is not averse to using her pawn any way she chooses. And with the language she chooses too.

Mary Jane Watson, Controlled By Moira MacTaggert (Spoilers)

Och, Moira, ye wee bairn, I'll wash yer mouth out wi' soaap 'n watta! And with the former Scalphunter, now Greycrow, in pursuit…

Marvel Comics Wednesday X-Men

… so are Wolverine and the Krakoan look Spider-Man! The 14th of September for Amazing Spider-Man #9, now a Hellfire Gala tie-in, which had to be resolicited, hence the delay…

(W) Gerry Duggan (A) Matteo Lolli, C.F. Villa, Various (CA) Russell Dauterman
At last year's gala, mutants changed the face of the solar system, terraforming Mars and claiming it for mutantkind. Do you think you can afford to miss this year's gala, all contained in this one over-sized issue!?
RATED T+In Shops: Jul 13, 2022

(W) Zeb Wells (A) Patrick Gleason (CA) Alex Saviuk
•  Something happens at the Hellfire Gala that sends Spider-Man and WOLVERINE on a dangerous mission all over creation!
•  That's right – the best duo in comics is back, but who are they fighting, and what (or who) are they fighting for? NO SPOILERS HERE!
RATED T+In Shops: Sep 14, 2022 SRP: $3.99

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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