Posted in: Comics | Tagged: milo manara, newlitg, todd mcfarlane
Milo Manara and Todd McFarlane in the Daily LITG April 10th 2020
These are strange times, but The Daily LITG is becoming a valuable way to quantify just what comic book geek culture is being absorbed in this time of trial. Also, to make sure that you don't miss what everyone else is reading. Right now that means Milo Manara, Todd McFarlane and Zoom backgrounds. Welcome all to the daily Lying In The Gutters a long-running run around the day before and the day ahead. You can sign up to receive it as an e-mail here.

Milo Manara, Todd McFarlane and the 10 Most-Read Stories Yesterday
People are loving those DC and Marvel Zoom backgrounds. It may be a good idea for other comic book publishers and creators to put together something similar during the downtime. While Milo Manara and Todd McFarlane are reacting to the current situation in different, but impactful ways.
- DC Comics Offers Virtual Backgrounds for Zoom Conferencing
- Mondo Releasing New A Clockwork Orange Poster Tomorrow
- Milo Manara Draws Women Very Differently In Recent Weeks
- How Todd McFarlane Would Save Comics and Deal With Diamond
- A Comic Shop Cancels Mid Life Crisis For Comics Industry
- Now Marvel Comics Offers Virtual Backgrounds for Zoom Conferencing
- Disney Provides Background Flair For Your Next Zoom Video Call
- JH Williams III Was Only Alan Moore's Fourth Choice to Draw Promethea
- Marvel Comics Building an Empyre During Coronavirus Shutdown
- Ubisoft Releases The "Just Dance 2020" Song List
Comics News & Events Happening Today
It would have been Wondercon right now, but it's not. There would also have been signings, appearances, symposia, all manner of comic book-related events. But a few have gone online, and here are some still happening today.
- Comics, Collectibles & More hosted by Therese Taylor and Antiques and Collectibles, 2-4pm ET.
- LIVE Cartoon and comic art club with Marc Jackson, 2pm BST.
- Talking About Comics with Ty & Brandon, Austin Books & Comics, 6pm CDT
Comics Industry Birthdays Today
There may not be much of a party atmosphere right now. Or if there is, the police will come and shut you down. But comic folk are still getting older and still celebrating that special date. Talking of which, it's my 21st wedding anniversary today, is buying flowers an essential activity?
- Janet Lee, co-creator of Return of The Dapper Men, creator of Sea Sirens.
- James Hudnall, creator of ESPers, Harsh Realm and The Solution.
- Deirdre Brooks of Wizard Entertainment.
- Mariano Abrach, comic book editor.
- Scott Hampton, artist on Batman, Sandman, Black Widow, Hellraiser, Star Trek and Spook House.
- David G. Wohl, former EIC of Top Cow, editor at DC.
Interested in Zoom backgrounds, Milo Manara, Todd McFarlane or anything else? Subscribe to our LitG Daily Mailing List. And we'll see you here tomorrow.