In Mothra: Queen of the Monsters #1, a young woman must travel back to the Jurassic period to retrieve Mothra's egg and save a post-apocalyptic Earth from rampaging kaiju.
Posted in: Movies, Recent Updates | Tagged: disney, ducktales
Check Out The First Trailer For Disney's DuckTales (Woo-hoo) Reboot, Which Has Been Renewed For A Second Season BTW
Disney has released the first trailer for their reboot of Ducktales (woo-hoo). We know you don't want to listen to us yammering on when there's a Ducktales trailer to watch, so let's just cut right to the chase:
Well, those new voices are going to take some getting used to, but it still looks promising.
Deadline also reports that the show has already been renewed for a second season, despite not even airing yet, though that's not too surprising considering the amount of interest the relaunch has gotten on social media. Hopefully that momentum carries over into the ratings when the show airs this Summer.

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