Batman: Hush 2 Evidence... That It's Not Hush Under The Bandages. That's our theory anyway, what do you think?
Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: batman eternal, Comics, dan didio, dc, dc comics, earth 2, entertainment, future's end
Eternity Can Wait – DC Weeklies Will Run Until March 2015
Dan DiDio, co-Publisher of DC Comics, has been laying out the schedules for the three announced weekly titles so far, on Facebook. Unlike 52 and Countdown before them, they will not last a year. Though it seems that Batman Eternal will be continuing… sometime.
Batman Eternal started this April and runs to next March after which it takes a brief hiatus, Futures End starts this May and ends the last week of March 2015, and Worlds End starts in October and ends the same week as the others next March, hope that clears things up.

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