Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: batman superman, gal gadot, wonder woman
Gal Meets World, World Wonders If She Is The Woman We're Looking For – Wednesday Trending Topics
There, see? Got that all out of my system in a single post title. But more to the point, despite some rather intense and sometimes strange debate back and forth across the comics internet the likes of which hasn't been seen since the casting of Mr Mom as Batman was fought out in the CBG letters pages, I think Gal Gadot is a solid choice for the role.
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Wednesday:
Gal Gadot Is Wonder Woman In Batman Vs Superman
That female role is Wonder Woman after all, like BC was the very first to report, and Fast and Furious actress Gal Gadot will be playing her in Batman vs Superman.
Report: Fast And Furious 7 Producers Now Considering Starting Over
Even in the midst of grief, the show, as they say, must go on. So as they undoubtedly continue to mourn the loss of Paul Walker, the filmmakers behind Fast & Furious 7 are now weighing their options on how to proceed.
Batman-Superman Villain Being Cast, Callan Mulvey On Warner Bros. List
While I was away on one of my top secret missions earlier this evening, everybody jumped on the casting story of the week, if not the month: Gal Gadot will be Wonder Woman in the upcoming Batman-Superman movie.
Most-Read Comics Stories Wednesday:
I'm starting to wonder why all the Iron Men suits still need to be man-shaped though.
Jason Latour and Mahmud Asrar are relaunching Wolverine & The X-Men in March because… well… same school. Similar cast. But new creative team. And Summer School.
Oh, The Inhumanity – A New Name For The Inhumans
Is it an Infinity crossover? Is it an Inhumanity crossover? The two things smooshed together so that it's pretty hard to tell. Last week's Avengers Assemble was an Inhumanity book, but it was telling the same kind of stories, about people getting cocooned and discovering they were Inhumans as the Terrigen mists spread across the planet as Fearless Defenders was, which was an Infinity crossover.