Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, frank miller, occupy, occupy wall street
Sunday Trending Topics: #FrankMiller #OWS
I find myself wondering what Frank Miller thinks of the firestorm his blog post has created over the past few days. I don't know, but perhaps sooner or later he'll do another blog post to discuss it further, or give an interview, or channel it into his art. I'd be interested to see any of those things, especially the latter.
A part of the public discussion over this has been about separating a creator's work from his politics, and enjoying the work on its own merits. I agree with that on many levels. And yet… Steve Ditko's birthday a couple weeks back prompted me to start reading Blake Bell's recent bio of him, and to re-examine Ditko's work in the context of his entire life, and his philosophies and politics. Doing so gives you a fascinating added perspective on the characters, concepts, and chemistry of his work, even if you disagree with some of the underlying thought process. It's all a part of the whole, pieces of a puzzle assembled piece by piece over a lifetime.
So it is here with Miller, I think. Even if you hate what Miller has said here, I think it's possible to zoom way out on the giant 10,000-piece puzzle of his life's work, and fit this Occupy blog post piece in there among the Dark Knight Returns, Batman: Year One, Ronin, Give Me Liberty, Sin City, 300, and Holy Terror pieces. And in doing so, each individual piece gains added layers of context and the entire picture gets just a tiny bit more clear.
Then you decide for yourself if you're going to reach for the next piece. I really wanted to illustrate this post with the final page of Dark Knight Returns, but I suppose that might be giving something away.
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A few of his fellow comic book professionals had something to say on Twitter as well. Here's a selection. They are rather less mixed.
A scene from Batman Year One, rescripted…
Occupy Frank Miller Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movies and TV News and Rumors
Everybody's been too damn polite about this nonsense:
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today:
Perhaps Joss Whedon's finest hours, the all-too-short run of Firefly adds up to the favourite TV show of more of my friends than any other. I'm sticking with Twin Peaks, but boy – is Firefly good. I hope these cheap DVD and Blu-ray prices encourage lots of folk to give it a try.
Right now, there's no director or star attached to the intended Crow remake* so it's stalled and, as far as we know, may not ever get moving again. Just recently, however, Bradley Cooper was attached to star for director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo. I remember that a lot of people had a hard time visualising Cooper in the role.
In a situation faintly echoing the shenanigans at Comic-Con last summer, Emma Stone found her opening monologue on last night's Saturday Night Live interrupted by some young nerd in a Spider-Man costume.
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