Posted in: Movies, Recent Updates, Video Games | Tagged: activision, Bungie Studios, capcom, Daganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, Destiny, entertainment, Fable: The Lost Chapters, playstation 3, playstation 4, Professor Layton Vs. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, Shawn Beck's Velocibox, Steam, video games, Xbox 360, xbox one
Sweet Release! Destiny, Fable Anniversary PC, Professor Layton Vs. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney
By Jared Cornelius
Since the beginning of August we've been treated to a steady stream of high profile new releases but today we've officially marked the start of the fall season's huge releases. This week is the launch of what might be one of the biggest titles of the year and has pretty much overshadowed everything else for the week. There's some games that fell through the cracks last from last week, but there's only one title that people on the internet won't shut up about this week.
That Game is Destiny the new co-op shooter from Bungie Studios. The legendary shooter house first made waves with the Marathon series then Microsoft's first person juggernaut Halo and have now moved over to Activision to create the new "it" game. After humans colonized the solar system and experienced a prosperous "Golden Age" things have taken a turn for the worst and it fall to the role of "Guardians" to protect the Earth from a series of alien invaders. Players choose from one of three races and pick a character class and do battle through the games various modes including Crucible, Story, Strike, and Tower. Destiny's been built with co-op gameplay in mind from the start, and has a heavy emphasis on loot much like the Borderlands or Diablo series. No stranger to space opera/sci-fi shooters Bungie have created what I'm sure is the next big thing on consoles, so all those companies trying to get the next Call of Duty, might as well move to the back of the line because Activision did it again. Destiny released Tuesday on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 3.
From the broken promises of Peter Molyneux comes the HD remake of Fable: The Lost Chapters with Fable Anniversary. Lionhead Studio's original moral choice game was a huge hit on the Xbox and invited players to come to the magical world of Albion where you would dictate the progress and choices of your character. All those choices ended up being binary but it was a good first try. The 3rd person action game allows you to specialize in magic, combat, or both and sends you out in the world to live the adventurers life right down to choosing a title the villagers call you like "Chickenchaser". The games overall feel is uniquely British and has a cheeky personality to go a long way to making it not just another sword and sorcery game. The original Fable is largely remembered today for overly exaggerated promises by Molyneux but was pretty good none the less. Fable Anniversary released on Friday for PC and is currently available on Xbox 360 as well. You should just go buy Fable II, that's the best one anyway.
If you get motion sickness don't try indie developer Shawn Beck's Velocibox. In what I can only describe as one part Audio Surf one part Super Hexigon, the block sliding puzzle game tasks you with moving and rotating a box around an ever moving, high speed, square level. Velocibox purports to have over 70 levels of induce nausea and vertigo and a sleek minimalist art style to complete the indie vibe. Velocibox released Monday on Steam.
It's the video game equivalent of Sherlock teaming up with the cast of Boston Legal in Level 5's Professor Layton Vs. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney. The two long running handheld series are teaming up on the Nintendo 3/2DS for a mix of adventure game puzzle solving and court room drama. There's really not much more to say than that, there's some nonsense story about a medieval town and witchcraft but the heart of the game remains puzzle solving and logic problems. I've been a huge fan of the Phoenix Wright games for some time and I'd rather have a proper release from Capcom but I'll take it. Professor Layton Vs. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney released last week for the Nintendo 3/2DS and on the eShop.
In other bizarre games to come out of Japan we have Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair from NIS America. The strangely titled game is a visual novel with player searching for clues and solving puzzles based on a series of murders taking place at your school, which for some reason's in a tropical paradise. It's a little like the Phoenix Wright series so if logic puzzles and dialog are your thing have at it. Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair released Tuesday for PlayStation Vita.
That's it for this week folks, you can always find me on Twitter @John_Laryngitis and I respond to everyone so come over and say hi. I also have a preview up for Brace Yourself Game's Crypt of The NecroDancer, go see how it made me move to the rhythm. You can also check out my other regular column, Typing on The Dead: Bleeding Cool's Walking Dead recap, where I slavishly pour over the new issue. Until next time, Stay Gold!
Jared Cornelius is some guy from New Jersey's coast who's feeling quite ill, and not in the good way. If you'd like to challenge him for role of the ill'ist, contact him on Twitter @John_Laryngitis