Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: boom studios, Broken World, Comics, dark horse comics, detective comics, entertainment, image comics, Marvel Comics, ms marvel, Red Sonja/Conan, Siege, spider-island, This Damned Band, Ultimate End
Talking Comics – Discussing This Week's Upcoming Titles From This Damned Band To Red Sonja/ Conan, Dark Corridor, Spider-Island And More!
By Randy Young and Chris Hunter
Bleeding Cool welcomes the return of Talking Comics, from Excalibur Comics, Cards, and Games in Shreveport, Louisiana, to discuss this week's upcoming books, speculating about where they are headed, and discuss their favorite storylines.
Hosts Randy Young and Chris Hunter say:
Thanks for pressing play!
It's another huge week with tons of great comics shipping to your shelves this Wednesday!
What if you were in a band and you played at worshiping Satan only to find out that ACTUALLY were worshiping Satan? Ouch! Joke's on you and the joke is on the band members of This Damned Band #1 this week!
Next up, you've lived in Red Circle all of you life and all that seems to be on the news nowadays in this town is the deaths of mob bosses! What's going on? Read Dark Corridor #1 to find out more!
Two classic characters are together again with this week's Red Sonja/Conan #1, as the two heroes join forces to defeat a mysterious wizard from their past!
Also, if you've been loving the JLA Gods and Monsters One Shots that have been shipping the past several weeks, don't miss out on JLA Gods And Monsters Wonder Woman #1, as we dive into the past with Bekka and find out more about her!
Secret Wars continues this week with 12 tie-in issues shipping this week, taking us deeper and deeper into all of the corridors of Battleworld!
Don't miss the Question of the Week as we receive some love, show some love, and ask you to share the love with your answers!
Time Stamps for this Episode:
03:32 This Damned Band #1
04:33 Dark Corridor #1
05:35 Red Sonja Conan #1
06:41 JLA Gods And Monsters Wonder Woman #1
08:26 Age Of Apocalypse #2
08:50 Giant Size Little Marvel Avx #3
09:34 Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #3
09:49 Guardians Of Knowhere #2
10:23 Civil War #2
10:50 Ms. Marvel #17
11:06 Future Imperfect #4
11:34 Red Skull #2
12:21 Infinity Gauntlet #3
12:45 Siege #2
13:21 Spider-Island #2
13:42 Ultimate End #4
14:47 Detective Comics #43
15:02 Broken World #3
15:27 The Wicked and The Divine #13
15:59 Nailbiter #15
16:19 We Stand On Guard #2
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