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Savage Dragon Takes On Anti-Vax Disinformation From Image Comics Today

Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon was the first – and is the only – superhero comic book from one of the big publishers that has had the coronavirus pandemic as part of its ongoing plotline. While fighting the bad guys, Malcolm Dragon has also been coping with self-isolation and social distancing over the past two years in the comic book. And as a public figure, in today's Savage Dragon #261, his family are doing their bit. With their kids getting vaccinated in a less usual way than everyone else's.

Savage Dragon Takes On Anti-Vax Disinformation Today
Savage Dragon #261 by Erik Larsen

But we have also seen coronavirus affecting a number of other characters, including one suffering rather badly. Now, in the Savage Dragon, we have seen that Dragon's blood can cure people of the most serious of ailments, though then turning them into a Dragon hybrid and killing them – unless those Dragon powers are also taken away. It's a dangerous procedure, and Dragon only has so much blood to go around, but it can work. So when the call comes, it gives Malcolm Dragon a chance to talk to an anti-vaxxer relative of his, Marsha Bradley, his half-sister, also known as Lightning Girl, calling on behalf of Sara Hill, also known as Horridus, of Freak Force.

Savage Dragon Takes On Anti-Vax Disinformation Today
Savage Dragon #261 by Erik Larsen

The Savage Dragon lays it out as it is. The comic in question is called Into The Hornet's Nest though, is this the nest that Erik Larsen was really describing? We will see how the reaction plays out among the more… reality-challenged.

(W) Erik Larsen (A/CA) Erik Larsen
"INTO THE HORNET'S NEST!"-Double the Dragons! Double the action! Malcolm Dragon teams up with Paul Dragon, his father from another reality now equipped with a cyborg arm to take down the Vicious Circle once and for all.In Shops: Jan 12, 2022
SRP: $3.99

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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