Posted in: Comics | Tagged: axis, Comics, entertainment, marvel, Marvel Comics, rick remender, tom brevoort
So What Is Marvel's Axis Actually About? We Try And Find Out.
Yesterday, after receiving a ton of people asking about it, we ran a piece on the "X-Men To Be Cancelled" rumour doing the rounds on message boards.
And as far as we could tell, denying what was at its heart, the cancellation of the X-Men in a reboot of the Marvel universe that does away with mutants, replaced by Inhumans, or Numans or whatever they have to hand, so as not to support or provide further free IP for the Fox Studios X-Men franchise. The evidence, as far as we could find, didn't stack up in the same way as it had for Fantastic Four. And we've had a number of Marvel creators telling me directly, or via proxy, that the cancelling of the Xbooks is nonsense.
But there were aspects to do with the plot of the upcoming Axis series regarding certain characters that do seem to have a lot more validity. So, you know, spoilers going in.
It seems that the concept of Axis, reflecting (pun intended) the mirror image look on the covers, will see the Red Skull basically flip the traits of the heroes and villains…. so bad guys become good guys, and good guys become bad. They spin on their axis, hence the title.
But as for the rumour about the X-books being cancelled, instead I am told by the people telling me the above, that there will be plenty of long lasting effects for mutants as a result of the series – and lots of books for those effects to play out into.