Posted in: Comics | Tagged: cosplay, denver comic con, fiona staples, hate, peter bagge
The Cosplay And Creators Of Denver Comic Con, And Peter Bagge Wants To Bring Back Hate
Waiting in line sucks. I've never waited in line two and a half hours for anything. Until today – to get into the Denver Comic Con. Apparently four hours was the norm if the complaint cloud from within the exhibit hall can be believed, and trust them, it can. The line stretched around the entire mammoth building, meandering at points like an ouroboros, cosplayers and their munchkins in tow asking in disbelief, "Really? The end is where?"
Once inside the center, processing was lightning quick, an indication that organizers are probably beside themselves with ticket proceeds. Friday's tickets were completely sold out.
Fiona Staples is here, and is impossibly charming. She gave me goosebumps. The very friendly Matt Wagner is here, and will draw an amazing Grendel sketch in your Devil By The Deed for gratis. Peter Bagge will tell you he wants to bring Hate back in periodical form, but is having trouble finding publisher interest.
Jim Steranko, Brian Pulido, Ben Templesmith and too many more to list. They're just sitting here, waiting for you to come up and extend a hand and a smile. Staples, George Takei, Wil Wheaton and Peter Mayhew all have spotlight presentations tomorrow, and William Shatner has replaced a last minute Stan Lee drop out. The con has wound down for today, but tomorrow it's on, like, well, Comic Con.
Rich adds… if you recognise yourself in costume, get in touch and we'll add your details!