fiona staples Archives

Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples' Saga #69 Issue Will Be The Sex Issue
One might ask which issue of Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples' comic book Saga is not a sex issue? But with Saga #69, they have gone all out with this cover, as part of Image Comics's September 2024 solicits and solicitations I am reminded of when I was a radio advertising copywriter, writing for[...]
Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples' Saga Jumps To $3.99 With 2023 Return
Vaughan (A/CA) Fiona Staples NEW STORY ARC SAGA is back, and it's time for another epic season of emotional adventures and shocking surprises for Hazel and her star-crossed family! SAGA has sold seven million copies to date across single issue, trade paperback, compendium, hardcover, and digital editions and has been translated into 20 languages The series also boasts[...]
Saga #57 Preview
Vaughan and Fiona Staples Long-term relationships are easy? LYING. In Shops: Mar 23, 2022 SRP: $2.99 Lots Of Cuddling In Saga #57 Preview- Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples Lots Of Cuddling In Saga #57 Preview- Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples   Lots Of Cuddling In Saga #57 Preview- Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples Lots Of Cuddling In Saga #57[...]
Preview: Saga #56 by Bryan K Vaughan and Fiona Staples
Today sees the second issue of the second half of Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples' Saga with Saga #56 We have a preview of the first pages of the comic book, right here Because we love you lots Out in comic book shops today. Of the comic, Brian K Vaughan says; This Wednesday, Saga is back on[...]
Preview: Saga #55 by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples for $2.99
Last night, a number of comic book stores had midnight launches of the long, long-awaited first issue of the second half of Saga by Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples Here's how three comic book stores showed it off. Challengers Comics + Conversation of Chicago, IL: Next week is the long-awaited, hotly-anticipated return of SAGA: and[...]
Saga by Brian K Vaughn and Fiona Staples Returns In January 2022
Announced at the In Conversation with Brian K Vaughan panel at New York Comic Con, as part of a video chat between Brian and Fiona Staples, they announced the return of Saga, with Saga #55 published by Image Comics on the 26th of January, 2022 "Other than my own family, collaborating with Fiona Staples on[...]
Sorry Folks, That Wasn't Fiona Staples Confirming The Return Of Saga
It's Fiona Staples time! Or not… Bleeding Cool does enjoy the comic book collection coverage of The Uncanny Omar and the Near Mint Comics channel on YouTube, especially as they have a direct connection with Marvel's David Gabriel over upcoming collections But not all of their sources are quite so hot After talking about the[...]
Brian K Vaughan Confirms He And Fiona Staples Are Working On New SAGA
Brian K Vaughan has taken to the solicitation of a trade paperback box set of his Saga comic book so far, at its half-way point, to assure readers that the second half by him and Fiona Staples is coming And coming soon Writing to the comic book shop owners who will buy this, and many[...]
A Sales Record Coming For Saga #1 by Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples
We have been missing new Saga comic books from Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples for some years now I understand that Image Comics intends to announce the second half of the epic space opera soon, which may draw greater attention to its first issue.  A couple of copies of the first issue are up[...]
Brian K Vaughan Promised New Issues Of Saga Will Be Worth The Wait
Saga is a major work of sci-fi in the comic book medium by creators Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples, published by Image Comics But we have been waiting quite some time for the next issue And they did leave it on quite the cliffhanger. It tells the story of star-crossed husband and wife, Alana and[...]
Saga Will End With Issue #108; Plus: The Cover to that 1,400 Page TPB
Vaughan and artist Fiona Staples, will be coming to an end If course, we already knew that, but now we know exactly when Entertainment Weekly scored an EX-X-XCLUSIVE cover reveal for Saga: Compendium One, the massive tome which collects issue #1-54 of the fan-favorite series, currently on hiatus In their article, however, EW also revealed[...]
Saga #54 cover by Fiona Staples
Marko will have to beat The Will if he is to make it back to his family. Saga #54 cover by Fiona Staples Saga #54 is the last issue before the hiatus we reported upon a few days back (which is also announced in the letters page of Saga #54) Brian K Vaughan (whose name I had[...]
Saga #54 cover by Fiona Staples
According to the letters columns of Saga #54, this week's issue of Image Comics' second best-selling comic series will be put on hiatus indefinitely. Saga #54 cover by Fiona Staples Brian K Vaughan, writer of the series, states that the series will be returning for #55, but, according to the message, both Vaughan and artist Fiona Staples "Feel a responsibility to keep[...]
Saga #53 cover by Fiona Staples
Meanwhile, Prince Robot tries to negotiate with the Will. Saga #53 cover by Fiona Staples Saga #53 is a nice palette cleanser after reading Wicked + Divine #37 Where the latter seems to be buying into its own reputation, Saga is a book that has gone on even longer but is still trying to tell a full,[...]
Saga #52 cover by Fiona Staples
Elsewhere on the island, the Will has escaped from the other bounty hunter and his on the move himself. Saga #52 cover by Fiona Staples Saga #52 brings the familial conflict between Prince Robot and Squire to a head, with the Squire finally getting tired of how his father treats him. His actions aren't entirely reactionary and innocent[...]
Saga #51 cover by Fiona Staples
Unfortunately, Squire triggers some intense anger out of Prince Robot. Also, Marko is writing a novella! Also, someone is looking for these refugees. Saga #51 cover by Fiona Staples Saga #51 continues its ever-impressive run with an intense and complicated emotion-driven issue for Prince Robot, Marko, and Hazel The opening scene between Squire and the Robot is almost[...]
ComiXology Bestseller List: Saga #50 cover by Fiona Staples
Meanwhile, Squire says his goodbyes to Ghus. Saga #50 cover by Fiona Staples As you may have guessed from my inclusion of this comic in Comics for Your Pull Box this past Sunday, I expected this to be something of a landmark issue for Saga The summary for the book on ComiXology implied some big goings-on, and,[...]
Saga Gets An Entire Wave Of Funko Pops!
Vaughn and Fiona Staples has been a fan-favorite and commercial success for years now This is arguably one of the most anticipated announcements they could have made Let's get to it. Saga Funko Pops #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ Saga, the epic[...]
Top Ten Theories About The End Of Today's Saga #44
So I'm not going to run the ending of Saga #44 by Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples published by Image Comics today for the very reasonable price of $2.99, although over ten times the price of the previous issue But I am going to run a few theories that only make sense if you've actually[...]
Brian K. Vaughan On Runaways, Y: The Last Man, And Saga Adaptations?!
Should have some very cool news about another adaptation soon. And finally, on bringing Saga, the sexually explicit space opera by Vaughan and Fiona Staples that stands as an industry leader for creator owned comics, to the big or small screen: Maybe when the story is finished? I think Fiona and I are both open to Saga possibly being[...]
The Wildstorm 25th Anniversary Project With Full Visual UPDATE – Fiona Staples, Lee Bermejo, Jim Lee, Bryan Hitch, J Scott Campbell, Warren Ellis And More –
Coming from DC Comics.Wildstorm later this year and announced at Wondercon, the Wildstorm 25th Anniversary comic book. A 200 page hardcover collection, including classic works, and early works of Fiona Staples, Sean Phillips and Lee Bermejo But there are new stories too A Brandon Choi and Jim Lee WildC.A.T.S story A Jeff Scott Campbell Gen 13 story,[...]
A Reunited Family's Next Adventure! Saga #37 Begins The War For Phang: Part One
Vaughan, with art by Fiona Staples This new story arc is entitled The War for Phang: Part One, and is a self contained event that Vaughan and Staples have been building to since their first issue. [WARNING: SPOILERS FOR SAGA #37 BELOW!] Boy, does it start off with a bang Within the first few minutes of the issue we learn[...]
Brian K. Vaughan Talks Saga Vol. 6 And Other Things You Should Read
Vaughan commented on the release praising his fellow Saga creator Fiona Staples. As you can see, he also mentions a few other books…well…subtly anyway It's interesting to see all of his Image Comics stuff together in one picture. Paper Girls is already into its second ARC, so I'm sure the comic has a bright future ahead[...]
Bring Out The Tissues: Three Reasons Why You Should Read Saga #36
Vaughan, with art by Fiona Staples I don't understand why anyone would ever not want to read the new issue of Saga, but if you need some reasons…here are three… [WARNING: SPOILERS FOR SAGA #36 BELOW!] One: Ghus has always been such an entertaining character to watch, but he is especially epic in this issue[...]
The Most Fascinating "Alliance" In Saga #35
Vaughan, with art by Fiona Staples. This comic has gone through such a journey and it still manages to surprise me time and time again We all know that paths have been crossing, people are separated, the usual…but I just can't get over the fascinating alliance of Marko, Alana, and Prince Robot IV[...]