Posted in: Batman, Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: Arkham Asylum, arkham tower, Batman, dc comics, gotham
The Rise Of Arkham Tower In Gotham – Not Quite As Complete Now?
We've been running plenty of Gotham Gossip pieces about the rise of Arkham Tower, the replacement for Arkham Asylum. And how the foundations have been laid of late through recent Batman comic books.
With Mayor Nakano making plans to remade Gotham in the wake of Future State/Fear State. With a first mention in Detective Comics #1045.
Since then, we looked at the status of Arkham Tower and Dr Chase Meridian who was to run it in Detective Comics Annual 2021 and Batman: Fear State Omega.
Doctor Chase Meridian was introduced in the movie Joel Schmacher movie Batman Forever played by Nicole Kidman and has made a handful of comic book appearances since – three issues of Legends Of The Dark Knight. But now she is part of DC Comics continuity. James Tynion IV set this up with a conversation with Barbara Gordon in Batman #108.
Nightwing tells Batman that Arkham Asylum is not working and has doubts about its replacement.
And as Nightwing brings in someone in need of mental care and assistance, he finds the old system waiting for him, in Detective Comics 2021 Annual.
But maybe someone else who might be able to do something different. Dr Chase Meridian, back to help make Arkham Tower a genuine point of service for the people of Gotham.
That's the intent anyway, how far that will actually play out in practice. While in Batman: Fear State Omega, it appeared that Dr Chase Meridian has already set up at the new Arkham Tower, just in time to receive the Scarecrow.
We also got a look at Arkham Tower… first in the dark…
And then again in the dawning of a new day.
That went up pretty quickly didn't it? Arkham Asylum was hidden away in the dark. Arkham Tower can be seen by everyone. It's an Empire State Building, it's The Gherkin, it's in the centre of the city and unignorable. But in today's Detective Comics #1046, that may have been putting the cart before the horse.
Apparently Arkham Tower is a trial run. A very impressive, speedily built trial run of a skyscraper.
Oh okay, it's the management who have a trial run. Dr Chase Meridian and the rest.
Who may have previously been installed, but that's been walked back a bit, continuity-wise.
And we have more people, Doctor Tobias Wear and Doctor Ocean, working with Doctor Meridian. With Mayor Nakano's high hopes for Asylum Tower, having inspiration that was close to home.
And Arkham Tower, it seems, not quite as finished as it looked before. Looking more like The Shard than The Gherkin.=
And in the back-up strip by Stephanie Phillips and David Lapham, having a very different look as well. Less like an Apple building and more old-fashioned…
And with Batman having plans for Doctor Meridian Chase as well.
Turns out he has plans for the place as well…
But then, so might Harley Quinn.
(W) Mariko Tamaki, Stephanie Phillips (A) Dan Mora, David Lapham (CA) Dan Mora
"Fear State" aftermath! Bloody, broken, and beaten…Batman had a mission after The Joker War. He would no longer look over Gotham City from Wayne Manor; he would move to the heart of the city, get closer to its people and its problems. The fight he pursued would be different, but after Fear State he finds himself disillusioned. He is no longer the protector the city needs, and definitely not the one it deserves. Batman's last night in Gotham City before his international sojourn is here. Backup: Harley Quinn guest-stars in the culmination of "Foundations"! Must Gotham City have an Arkham facility, and if so…will it be any different, or is doom on its way?
Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 12/28/2021