Posted in: Comics | Tagged: adventure time, age of darkness, aphrodite ix, aquaman, Artifacts, avatar, batman and robin, Black Science, boom, bounce, bravest warriors, catwoman, Comics, conan, crossed, dark horse, dark knight, dc, dynamite, earth 2, entertainment, flash, furious, ghostbusters, godzilla, idw, image, inhumanity, invincible, Knights Of Pendragon, L'il Sonja, marvel, neverending, other dead, revival, saga, Saviors, serenity, siegfried, Sledge 44, star trek, super dinosaur, superior spider-man, thief of thieves, tmnt, transformers, uber, uncanny avengers
Thirty-Eight Thoughts About Thirty-Eight Comics – Superior Spider-Man, Saga, Knights Of Pendragon, Uncanny Avengers, Dark Knight, Saviors, Super Dinosaur, Earth 2, Batman And Robin, TMNT, Godzilla, Ghostbusters, Aquaman, Flash, Catwoman, Sledgehammer 44, Inhumanity, Furious, Transformers, Serenity, Invincible, Bounce, Black Science, Conan, Neverending, Bravest Warriors, Siegfried, Artifacts, Aphrodite IX, Age Of Darkness, Star Trek, Thief Of Thieves, Revival, Uber, Crossed, L'il Sonja, Adventure Time And Other Dead
Yes, we have new Superior Spider-Man #26, including a look at whatever Peter Parker is up to, as Dock Ock's world begins to unravel around him.
Revolutionary War: Knights Of Pendragon #1 is a little bit lefty. I mean it always was, but its even more so today, with references to austerity cuts, the wallpapering of British high streets, even into Albion Dreaming, and a very different Green Knight indeed… but the anti-Tory rhetoric may rankle some and yes, Tom Huxley, I'm looking at you. But is it best to say nothing? Because there's a lot of that around too.
Uncanny Avengers gets silent for a good while (or a god while) which must hurt the verbose side of Rick Remender as it tackles with the side that wants a sensitive moment.
Batman: The Dark Knight #27 is silent for the entire issue, with just a little onomatopoeia to break up the pictures.
Saviors #2 joins in the silence. Well you might not have much to chat about when being pursued by a monster. Who is there to hear the witty repartee?
Super Dinosaur can be super annoying, talking when you're trying to, I don't know, play Candy Crush or something.
And, from Earth 2 Annual #1, some people just shouldn't say anything at all. But there seems to be a spate of people not saying things right now.
Batman And Robin Annual #2 gives us an Alfred enforcing a rule of silence over… certain issues. But he's not alone.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #30 have their own ways of enforcing silence.
I'm sorry, Sledgehammer 44 #3, we were trying to keep things on the quiet. Can anyone shut this guy up?
To be honest, from Ghostbusters #12, if someone confident enough to wear that kind of helmet, gave you that kind of look, you'd probably shut up too.
And, from Godzilla #8, sometimes you say it best when you say nothing at all.
And no matter what you say, no one listens to Aquaman.
Flash becomes a super speed grave robber today. Which is okay, apparently, as long as you put everything back when you find it.
We get some sense of scale of the change in the population of Marvel's Earth in Inhumanity #2. Shame they don't all seem to be buying the Inhumanity comics…
Catwoman does her best impression of a cat, treating her bin as cat litter. Hmm. I hope she doesn't do anything else in there. Not without the right kind of clumping material.
Dark Horse kicks off wonderfully with Furious #1, taking the amazing and finding wasys to hide them in the mundane. Here's a great example, the magazine cover popping out from the world around.
Well, in Transformers Regeneration One #98, I think you can treat this guy as the villain without too much difficulty.
We get a return to Serenity from Dark Horse as well, and, well, you can hear the theme tune running around your head can't you?
Invincible helps us out with a retort when someone next quotes Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace at you.
Bounce shows us the horror in the space between spaces. Or even the space between panels. Cue Lovecraft!
It's a question we ask ourselves every day, whether in Black Science or not.
Conan #4 shows us that it's always good to laugh at molten lava. It relaxed the jaw muscles from all that tensing.
Neverending #3 shows us the importance of having a string outfielder (that sounds like a correct American sporting term but I'm not going to check.)
Bravest Warriors 2014 Annual gives us one alternative for waste disposal. Of course, do that with enough goldfish and you might get a goldfish supernova.
Or, courtesy of Siegfried Vol 2, a white horse supernova. I mean they can't last that long, flying around like that…
Artifacts #34, written and drawn by Top Cow talent hunt winners Eugene Ward and Martin Gimenez. With a very polite psychopath…
So.. who's better? Men or women?
I mean, especially with ears like those, Star Trek #29, they'd come in very handy as a pointy weapon at a pinch. Any other women built with that level of superiority?
Of course, Aphrodite IX! She's pretty sure of herself too.Any oither men getting abused in the process of female superiority?
It's Ash of Age Of Darkness Vs Hack/Slash #5. You know I think he'll probably survive. Any more?
Oh come on Saga, what about a bit of sisterhood here?
I'm not sure it was "Beth". But that's a more traditional weapon from Thief Of Thieves there. And as for the phone…
Yeah, yeah, yeah, everyone's the NSA these days, Revival. Or a strong positive female role model. Or both.
Even if they talk about themselves in the third person like in Uber, they have smarts, they have skills, they have attitude, what they need a better names than "Maria" or "Beth". Any suggestions?
Okay, thank you Crossed Badlands, now I need my eyes and ripped out. Which, it seems, you'd be happy to do.
That's right Adventure Time Winter Special, just what I was thinking. Can anyone provide… a different tone?
There you go, L'il Red Sonja, my favourite. Has candle, will travel.
You know, Other Dead #5, I remember when kids used to get their inappropriate knowledge about sex and violence from comic books. It's a sad, sad day…
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London, currently exhibiting an art battle between Savage Pencil, Chris Long and Andy Dog…