Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Aaron Lopresti, Alvaro Sarraseca, Chuck Wendig, Comics, dynamite, entertainment, Turok
Writer's Commentary – Chuck Wendig On Turok #1
Dynamite has sent over a writer's commentary by Chuck Wendig, where he looks at the first issue of the new Turok series. Cover by Aaron Lopresti, interiors by Alvaro Sarraseca.
The fascist Saurian soldiers of the Varanid Empire-part dinosaur, part man, all bad news-have seized control of the Lost Valley, and only the mysterious man known as Turok is willing to stand against them! But the all-new Turok only cares about one thing: he's on a quest to track down a missing girl – and she might hold clues as to how the Lost Valley has changed so much!
Want to know more? Buy and read TUROK #1, then journey through the pages with its writer.
Chuck Wendig …
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Giant huge high-five to Alvaro [Sarraseca, artist] on this for immediately portraying the sheer bloody-minded weirdness we have envisioned for the Lost Valley. P.S. I also enjoy the word "gabbling" a whole lot.
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HEY GUESS WHAT, this isn't the Turok that we all know and love! This is all-new, all-different, singing-dancing Turok. Maybe not the singing and dancing part, fine. This is Turok, the Hunter. This is Turok, Hero of Railtown.
Also, hey, it's our intro to Marak and Nettle Midthunder, two thieves! Marak is a saucy favorite.
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I don't know exactly why I decided to involve a discussion of the breeding habits and sexual dysfunction of the Saranid Empire Saurians, but here we are. This is happening. Buy the ticket, take the ride.
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This page is good and you should like it. Probably best because it contains so few of my very silly words. Sidenote, that's my view so far (limited as it may be) of comics writing – my job is to get out of the way of the amazing art. I want to provide context and character goodness while letting the art lead the way.
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I worried here that Nagyakka would be irritating to read with all the SSSssssses going on there but I think it works. Unless it doesn't, in which case I can expect to receive your hate mails post-haste. Surely I get points for "charnel-sucking barrow-worm."
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By the way, Administrator Silm will get a "moment" in the next issue. So look for that.
Also, on this page, I love the gladiator-looking dude, but now wish it was a shot of gladiator dude fighting in the arena instead of standing there like an extra out of a bad Eli Roth movie.
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In my initial draft I originally miswrote "shackles" as "snackles," which is a brand name I can get behind. SNACKLES: THE BITE-SIZED CRUNCHGASM THAT DOES A BODY GOOD. NOW AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL ARPLETON'S FOODMART
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Yes, that's right, I used "pinch" as a sound effect. Also, one of the things I did not realize would be a big thing in comics is where you have to come up with sounds that people make that aren't words. Often painful sounds. NNYAARRGH and HYAAAWOOOF and UNNFF and such.
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"Pok" as a sound effect makes me think of Mike Mignola, and thinking of Mike Mignola and Hellboy is a happy thing.
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Alvaro framed this page so very well. Love the dynamic scale of panels.
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This is a pretty bloody comic. I'd apologize, but to hell with that. YAY BLOOD.
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I fear I should've written in a panel of an arrow flying. I think it's still clear, but like the interstitial moment of an arrow in the air.
In fact, whenever I want something, anything, from this point forward I will simply yell:
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I kinda like that Turok is doing this thing for his own selfish quest, but on the surface, it makes him look like a hero. Not quite Ash from Army of Darkness, but a similar vibe.
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SWAT SAURIANS: Coming this fall on CBS.
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I'm sure someone is wondering if those vests protect those guys from bullets aaaaand yeah no definitely not.
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Turok is a bad-ass, but one of the things I wanted to put into play is that the LONE HERO can't be alone all the time, can he? It strains credibility.
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We tried forever to think of a good JURASSIC PARK joke here, but in the end, they were always too jokey or not funny or something. So, we just went with the image of the vibrations in water, except, ummm, here it's in a puddle of blood.
Did I mention it's a bloody book? It's a bloody book.
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For more information on Turok #1, click here.