Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Blink, cable, HRL, jon malin, male gaze, marvel, marvel legacy, x-men
X-Men's Blink Gets A Physics-Defying New Costume On Cable #153 Cover
As part of Marvel Legacy, it looks like X-Men character Blink is getting a secondary mutation. In addition to her existing superpower of teleportation, Blink is now imbued with the uncanny ability to defy the laws of physics. Just take a look at her new costume, as revealed on Jon Malin's cover for Cable #153:
Leaving aside the lack of any discernible design aesthetic and its lack of any practical purpose beyond pandering to the male gaze, the costume is remarkable for brazenly disregarding physical logic. Somehow, the costume acts like a push-up bra, shoving Blink's boobs upward and toward the center, except with no structural support in the costume's design to accomplish this amazing feat. And these aren't ordinary boobs that this wonder-fabric is deftly manipulating — each alone is accurately depicted by Malin as the size of Blink's entire head, just like all boobs in real life!
The solicit doesn't reveal much about how Blink's new powers will play into the story, but it does ask some questions about her:
CABLE #153
• In the hunt for the EXTERNALS killer, a blast from CABLE'S past is revealed!
• Have Cable and the New Mutants walked straight into the killer's trap?
• And what is BLINK's role in all of this? Whose side is she really on?
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
Perhaps before the end of this story arc, we will learn that Blink's codename comes not from her ability to teleport, but from the fact that if she so much as blinks, all of her private parts will come spilling out of her costume! Normally, Bleeding Cool would advise artists not to draw while their pencil is so full of lead, but in this case, we can probably all agree that Malin was able to pull it off with class and dignity.
Look for this — and really, it will be hard to miss — on store shelves sometime in January.