Dungeons & Dragons Online
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Standing Stone Games revealed the latest expansion for Dungeons & Dragons Online as they are now taking pre-orders for Magic Of Myth Drannor. The game will give you a new playable Eladrin race, as they harness spellcasting with Wild Magic, helping to bend reality to their will. Which you will need as you take on […]
Standing Stone Games released new information about what they have planned to celebrate D&D's 50th Anniversary in Dungeons & Dragons Online. Neither SSG nor Wizards of the Coast could have planned it better that the anniversary would take place on the Year of the Dragon, but they have tied the festivities into the Lunar New […]
Standing Stone Games revealed today that they have released the Sinister Secret Of Saltmarsh update for Dungeons & Dragons Online. The new update brings in one of the classic D&D adventures for both low and high-level players to take on, as it is based around saving a seacoast town under threat from mysterious forces. The […]
Standing Stone Games is celebrating the 15th Anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons Online with some special gifts and an event. The devs revealed that from now until the end of the year, all you have to do is enter the code HAPPY15DDO to receive two free gifts: A 15th Anniversary Token and a 15th Anniversary […]