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D&D Beyond Makes Its Digital Dice Public Beta Live
Have you ever wanted to go completely digital during a game of Dungeons & Dragons? D&D Beyond is getting one step closer. The developers have been experimenting for a while with a new addition to their digital version of the tabletop game by adding in Digital Dice. It's exactly what you think it is, you are given a set of dice on the platform much like you would use in real life on the table, which you can select and roll. They come in only a couple of colors at the moment as you have a choice between a couple of versions of black dice with different colors for the numbers, or a set of white dice. They appear off to the left-hand side where you can select what one you want to roll and click roll to watch it bounce around the screen and come up on a number.
The beta testing period is still going on. but now it's open to anyone who uses D&D Beyond for them to give it a shot. If you've got a totally digital game going on right now in the time of COVID-19, this is a quick way to get the dice out and, to be blunt about it, keep everyone honest about what they rolled. Because hey, sometimes the dice aren't going your way, and in the middle of an online game, you might be tempted to say you rolled a 16 instead of a 6. The option isn't available yet as this is still a beta, but that way if everyone is partied up in the same campaign, everyone will know exactly what you rolled and how poorly you'll do on that skillcheck. Enjoy testing it out and hearing that wonderful sound of dice hitting a rolling tray, until you look down nd see you rolled a 3.