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December 2023 Recap Community Day Comes To Pokémon GO Soon
2022 and 2023 Community Day Pokémon feature in December's special annual two-day recap Community Day event in Pokémon GO.
Article Summary
- 2023 and 2022 Community Day Pokémon return on Dec 16-17 in Pokémon GO.
- Get exclusive Pokémon with special moves from Tier One Raids and 2KM Eggs.
- Special Research storyline available for purchase, with new bonuses and rewards.
- Event features shiny Pokémon, extra candies, stardust bonuses, and longer lures.
If you missed Pokémon from 2022 or 2023 Community Days in Pokémon GO, you will have another chance to catch up for the special recap December 2023 Community Day. Let's get into the details.
Here are the full details for December Community Day recap event in Pokémon GO:
- Date and time: Saturday, December 16, 2023, and Sunday, December 17, 2023, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time.
- Featured Pokémon: Niantic says:
- "A different set of Pokémon will be featured on each event day—Saturday, December 16, 2023, and Sunday, December 17, 2023—from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time. The Pokémon that appear during this time will have the same chance of appearing as a Shiny Pokémon as those that appeared during their original Community Days. Outside of these times, any of the featured Pokémon may appear from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. local time on either Saturday or Sunday!"
- The following Pokémon will be featured on Saturday, December 16, 2023, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time: Slowpoke, Galarian Slowpoke, Togetic, Chespin, Fennekin, Noibat
- The following Pokémon will be featured on Sunday, December 17, 2023, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time: Poliwag, Wooper, Paldean Wooper, Timburr, Axew, Froakie, Grunnin
- Lucky Trainers might encounter the following Pokémon on either day! For the last ten minutes of each hour between 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. local time, Trainers can catch an opportunity to encounter these Pokémon: Charmander, Squirtle, Mareep, Swinub, Larvitar
- "A different set of Pokémon will be featured on each event day—Saturday, December 16, 2023, and Sunday, December 17, 2023—from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time. The Pokémon that appear during this time will have the same chance of appearing as a Shiny Pokémon as those that appeared during their original Community Days. Outside of these times, any of the featured Pokémon may appear from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. local time on either Saturday or Sunday!"
- Tier One Raids: Sandshrew, Alolan Sandshrew, Alolan Geodude, Hoppip, Teddiura, Galarian Zigzagoon, Spheal, Starly, Roggenrola, Litwick, Deino, Stufful
- 2KM Eggs: Sandshrew, Alolan Sandshrew, Alolan Geodude, Hoppip, Teddiura, Galarian Zigzagoon, Spheal, Starly, Roggenrola, Litwick, Deino, Stufful
- Special moves:
- Charizard:
- Evolve Charmeleon (Charmander's Evolution) to get a Charizard that knows the Fast Attack Dragon Breath and the Charged Attack Blast Burn.
- Evolve Charmeleon (Charmander's Evolution) to get a Charizard that knows the Fast Attack Dragon Breath and the Charged Attack Blast Burn.
- Blastoise: Evolve Wartortle (Squirtle's Evolution) to get a Blastoise that knows the Charged Attack Hydro Cannon.
- Sandslash: Evolve Sandshrew during the event to get a Sandslash that knows the Charged Attack Night Slash.
- Alolan Sandslash: Evolve Alolan Sandshrew during the event to get an Alolan Sandslash that knows the Fast Attack Shadow Claw.
- Alolan Golem: Evolve Alolan Graveler (Alolan Geodude's Evolution) during the event to get an Alolan Golem that knows the Fast Attack Rollout.
- Poliwrath: Evolve Poliwhirl (Poliwag's Evolution) to get a Poliwrath that knows the Fast Attack Counter.
- Slowbro or Slowking: Evolve Slowpoke or Galarian Slowpoke to get a Slowbro, Galarian Slowbro, Slowking, or Galarian Slowking that knows the Charged Attack Surf.
- Ampharos: Evolve Flaaffy (Mareep's Evolution) to get an Ampharos that knows the Charged Attack Dragon Pulse.
- Politoed: Evolve Poliwhirl (Poliwag's Evolution) with a King's Rock to get a Politoed that knows the Charged Attack Ice Beam.
- Jumpluff: Evolve Skiploom (Hoppip's Evolution) during the event to get a Jumpluff that knows the Charged Attack Acrobatics.
- Quagsire: Evolve Wooper to get a Quagsire that knows the Charged Attack Aqua Tail.
- Tyranitar: Evolve Pupitar (Larvitar's Evolution) to get a Tyranitar that knows the Fast Attack Smack Down.
- Walrein: Evolve Sealeo (Spheal's Evolution) during the event to get a Walrein that knows the Fast Attack Powder Snow and the Charged Attack Icicle Spear.
- Staraptor: Evolve Staravia (Starly's Evolution) during the event to get a Staraptor that knows the Fast Attack Gust.
- Togekiss: Evolve Togetic (Togepi's Evolution) to get a Togekiss that knows the Charged Attack Aura Sphere.
- Mamoswine: Evolve Piloswine (Swinub's Evolution) to get a Mamoswine that knows the Charged Attack Ancient Power.
- Gigalith: Evolve Boldore (Roggenrola's Evolution) during the event to get a Gigalith that knows the Charged Attack Meteor Beam.
- Conkeldurr: Evolve Gurdurr (Timburr's Evolution) to get a Conkeldurr that knows the Charged Attack Brutal Swing.
- Chandelure: Evolve Lampent (Litwick's Evolution) during the event to get a Chandelure that knows the Charged Attack Poltergeist.
- Haxorus: Evolve Fraxure (Axew's Evolution) to get a Haxorus that knows the Charged Attack Breaking Swipe.
- Hydreigon: Evolve Zweilous (Deino's Evolution) during the event to get a Hydreigon that knows the Charged Attack Brutal Swing.
- Chesnaught: Evolve Quilladin (Chespin's Evolution) to get a Chesnaught that knows the Charged Attack Frenzy Plant.
- Delphox: Evolve Braixen (Fennekin's Evolution) to get a Delphox that knows the Charged Attack Blast Burn.
- Greninja: Evolve Frogadier (Froakie's Evolution) to get a Greninja that knows the Charged Attack Hydro Cannon.
- Noivern: Evolve Noibat to get a Noivern that knows the Charged Attack Boomburst.
- Vikavolt: Evolve Charjabug (Grubbin's Evolution) while near a Magnetic Lure to get a Vikavolt that knows the Fast Attack Volt Switch. Grubbin that evolve into Charjabug during that period will also know Volt Switch!
- Bewear: Evolve Stufful during the event to get a Bewear that knows the Charged Attack Drain Punch.
- Obstagoon: Evolve Galarian Linoone (Galarian Zigzagoon's Evolution) during the event to get an Obstagoon that knows the Charged Attack Obstruct.
- Ursaluna: Evolve Ursaring (Teddiursa's Evolution) during a special full moon to get an Ursaluna that knows the Charged Attack High Horsepower. The full moon will be in the sky from 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 16, 2023, to 6:00 a.m. on Sunday, December 17, 2023, and from 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 17, 2023, to 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 17, 2023.
- Clodsire: Evolve Paldean Wooper to get a Clodsire that knows the Charged Attack Megahorn.
- Charizard:
- Field Research: Rewards additional encounters with 2023 Community Day Pokémon.
- Timed Research: Rewards King's Rocks, Magnetic Lureds, and encounters with 2022 and 2023 Pokémon.
- Community Day Special Research Storyline: A $1 Timed Research will be available in the shop. Here is what Niantic has to say about this questline:
- "For US$1.00 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency), you'll be able to access the December Community Day–exclusive Special Research story for the event. Don't forget: you're now able to purchase and gift tickets to any of your friends that you've achieved a Friendship level of Great Friends or higher with. To gift a ticket, tap the Special Research ticket in the in-game shop, then tap the Gift button instead of the Buy button."
- Event bonuses:
- 2× Candy for catching Pokémon.
- 2× Stardust for catching Pokémon.
- 1/2 Hatch Distance when Eggs are placed in Incubators during the event period.
- 2× Candy for catching Pokémon.
- 2× chance for Trainers level 31 and up to receive Candy XL from catching Pokemon.
- Lure Modules activated during the event will last for three hours
- Incense (excluding Daily Adventure Incense) activated during the event will last for three hours.
- One additional Special Trade can be made for a maximum of two for the day
- Trades made during the event will require 50% less Stardust.
- PokéStop Showcases featuring Pokémon from 2023 Community Days

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