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Destiny 2 Launches Season Of The Seraph Today
Bungie has officially released new content into Destiny 2 today as players can get in on the Season Of The Seraph. The content, which is officially live, brings about some new story arcs along with some new Seasonal challenges and missions, all of which leads everyone to the discovery of a new Exotic weapon, along with a new dungeon and some PvP updates, among the many changes coming this season. You can read more about it below along with the trailer showing it off.
Destiny 2: Season Of The Seraph – Activities & Rewards
This Season centers on the Bray family's complicated history and their relationship with the Warmind, Rasputin, that is being compromised by Xivu Arath. Guardians will infiltrate Braytech facilities in Heist Battlegrounds and participate in weekly story missions to attempt to restore the Warmind. This Friday, a new dungeon will unlock for Guardians who are ready for the challenge. The dungeon is available to players who own The Witch Queen Deluxe Edition or The Witch Queen Dungeon Key.
Crucible Updates Inbound
A ton of updates are coming to Crucible in Season of the Seraph, including:
- Updating the Crucible playlist structure to streamline Crucible offerings
- Glory is being replaced with a new ladder called Competitive Division, a 3v3 ladder with seven rank divisions
- A new Crucible Seal, Glorious, has been added to replace the Unbroken Seal
- Bringing engram focusing to Lord Shaxx to give players more ways to engage with Crucible rewards
- Trails of Osiris is getting a new Hand Cannon and Machine Gun
- Iron Banner will get a new Zone Control mode called Fortress
- Reprised Iron Banner armor sets from The Taken King
Become An Assassin
Leap into the Light as Destiny 2 collaborates with Ubisoft on new assassin-themed ornaments for each class and brand-new items available in Eververse. For those who want to explore the system in a stealthy style, players can sport looks inspired by Eivor (Titan), Kassandra (Hunter), and Altair (Warlock) in Destiny 2. On top of armor ornaments, guardians can also grab a new ghost, sparrow, ship, and the "Up my Sleeve" finisher. Destiny 2-themed cosmetics will also be available for Eivor in Ubisoft's newest release. Players can wield a Greatsword inspired by the storied Gjallarhorn Rocket Launcher, wear Shaxx and Saint-XIV-themed armor, and much more.