Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: donphan, Mountains of Power, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go
Donphan Raid Guide For Pokémon GO Players: January 2022
The Mountains of Power event has brought forth Mega Aerodactyl in Mega Raids and Heatran in Tier Five raids, but that's not it. There is also a rotation of Tier Three raids that, with the right counters, can be defeated by well-prepared solo trainers. With this Raid Guide, you can prepare a team to take on and defeat Donphan as a solo player in Pokémon GO.
Top Donphan Counters
Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and moves, lists the top 10 Donphan counters as such:
- Mega Blastoise: Water Gun, Hydro Cannon
- Shadow Mamoswine: Powder Snow, Avalanche
- Shadow Swampert: Water Gun, Hydro Cannon
- Mega Venusaur: Vine Whip, Frenzy Plant
- Mega Gyarados: Waterfall, Hydro Pump
- Shadow Gyarados: Waterfall, Hydro Pump
- Shadow Tangrowth: Vine Whip, Power Whip
- Shadow Venusaur: Vine Whip, Frenzy Plant
- Shadow Torterra: Razor Leaf, Frenzy Plant
- Zarude: Vine Whip, Power Whip
It is recommended to power up your counters as much as possible, but creating that amount of strong Shadow Pokémon with their moves unlocked is a tall order for even the most practiced players. Here are ten additional non-Shadow and non-Mega counters that can help take down Donphan with efficiency.
- Kyogre: Waterfall, Surf
- Galarian Darmanitan: Ice Fang, Avalanche
- Kingler: Bubble, Crabhammer
- Mamoswine: Powder Snow, Avalanche
- Roserade: Razor Leaf, Grass Knot
- Swampert: Water Gun, Hydro Cannon
- Samurott: Waterfall, Hydro Cannon
- Clawitzer: Warter Gun, Crabhammer
- Feraligatr: Waterfall, Hydro Cannon
- Empoleon: Waterfall, Hydro Cannon
How Many Trainers Are Needed?
Donphan can be defeated by solo trainers, but to do so, you should be sure that you build a team using the top counters with maxed-out CP and the best moves.
Using the Circle Lock Technique to guarantee Great or Excellent throws, along with Golden Razz Berries, is the best way to catch Pokémon. However, note that Donphan is an evolved Pokémon, so it will offer extra Candies when caught. In order to attempt to multiply the number of Phanpy Candy that you can earn, I'd suggest using a few Pinap Berries for your first throws.
Shiny Odds
Donphan cannot be encountered in its Shiny form in Pokémon GO.
Happy raiding, fellow trainers!