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Dragon Ball Super Previews Realm Of The Gods: Super Saiyan 3 Trunks
Bandai has started to show off cards from the next official The Dragon Ball Super Card Game expansion. The March 2022 set is the sixteenth main set and the seventh expansion under the Unison Warrior Series banner. The set, titled Realm of the Gods (with its full name being Unison Warrior Series BOOST – Realm of the Gods) focuses on the deities of Akira Toriyama's universe. Confirmed focuses of the set include the Tournament of Power, the Champa Saga, the Future Trunks Saga, and Xenoverse material including Trunks Xeno and Mechikabura. As Dragon Ball Super Card Game debuts artwork from this upcoming set, Bleeding Cool will offer a look into the upcoming cards from a collector's perspective.
Trunks was the second-ever character to show off a Super Saiyan transformation in the Dragon Ball universe. After Goku became the series' first Super Saiyan in his climatic battle with Frieza, Trunks shocked the fandom soon after by traveling to Goku's timeline from the future and showing that he, too, had achieved this ascended state. When Future Trunks returned in Dragon Ball Super, he was shown to have achieved Super Saiyan 2 and even ascended into an entirely new form, Super Saiyan Rage, of which very little is known.
Now, the character above is an alternate timeline Trunks called Trunks Xeno. This version of Trunks uses the GT backstory and sees the character ascend to Super Saiyan 3, which is seen on the DBSCG card above. While most of the Xeno characters use Super Saiyan 4, Trunks Xeno actually goes on to become a Super Saiyan God which is shown prominently on other cards in this set./
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