Monster Hunter Now has revealed another event for this month, as the game will be celebrating its 1.5 Anniversary next week
Posted in: Final Fantasy, Games, Square Enix, Video Games | Tagged: Final Fantasy, final fantasy xi, Square Enix
Final Fantasy XI Receives September 2021 Update
Square Enix has released the brand new September 2021 update into Final Fantasy XI with some fun new additions to the game. This particular update adds in Chapter 5 Part 2 of the ongoing The Voracious Resurgence storyline, along with a few new campaigns and in-game events you can jump into for special rewards. The team has also added an update to the We Are Vana'diel special site with a variety of new content that gives you a better look at content development. We have the main points of the updates below
- Voracious Resurgence Update – Learn more about the mysteries of the Olduum Staff, yet beware of the anomalies in the Aht Urhgan seas in the second part of the latest chapter in this story series.
- Updated Ambuscade Content – Battle against Cockatrices as well as Poroggos, who make their return in this month's Ambuscade challenges in Final Fantasy XI.
- Blazing Buffaloes Seasonal Event – From now and through Tuesday, September 21, at 7:59 a.m. (PDT), wild buffaloes will prowl a number of areas across Vana'diel. Players who round them up and bring them to the nearby moogles can earn a variety of rewards, including the Buffalo Cap, Drover's Mantle, and Drover's Belt equipment, as well as a number of other items.
- Day of the Shadow Lord – Through Thursday, September 30 at 7:59 a.m. (PDT), Final Fantasy XI players will occasionally receive the Shadow Lord's storied great sword, Lament, and his swords, Nihility and Extinction, as spoils for completing the Shadow Lord Battle battlefield.
- Equipment Boosting Campaign – Beginning Monday, September 13 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) and through Thursday, September 30 at 7:59 a.m. (PDT), a number of campaigns will be underway to assist players on their journeys in Vana'diel. Adventurers can enjoy increased drop rates on seals and crests, additional item drops from certain enemies, and other various bonuses for the duration of the campaign.
- September Login Campaign – Final Fantasy XI players can receive various rewards by logging in each day and collecting points to exchange for prizes, including the Cancrine Apron.

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