Posted in: Games, Games Workshop, Tabletop | Tagged: Games Workshop, Khorne, warhammer, warhammer 40k
Games Workshop Pre-Orders: Skulls! Skulls! SKULLS!
The Warhammer Community page has updated the new, pending releases that are up for pre-order for Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000, and this week's offerings are about the most Warhammery things that ever Warhammered.
One of the nice things about playing any of the Daemon factions from Games Workshop is that your army works for both Warhammer: 40,000 and Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. You can wrap up your 40k game, and just slide over to an Age of Sigmar game without missing a beat.
It's like twice the tears of your opponents for the price of one army!
Sure, you'll need a Codex for 40k, and a Battletome for Age of Sigmar, but other than that, you're ready to collect skulls for the skull throne!
Speaking of Battletomes:
Chaos Battletome: Blades of Khorne
This is your complete guide to fielding your very own army dedicated to the Blood God in the Age of Sigmar. The battletome builds on all the stuff you love from the original, with key improvements to several warscrolls and expanded rules, alongside new lore and art that illustrates Khorne's role in the Soul Wars.
Judgements of Khorne
And for those of us that love the Endless Spells, get ready for Blood Blessings:
As you probably know, Khorne really, really hates Wizards, but not even the Blood God could resist the power of the Arcanum Optimar – the strange magical storm that resulted in endless spells. Blood Blessings are Khornate equivalents of endless spells, summoned to battle by Slaughterpriests. Unlike endless spells, they can't be dispelled by Wizards…
Ouch! It's one thing to bring giant, bleeding skulls onto the table, but making it so wizards can't dispel them? I have a friend that plays Warhammer rather vocally, and I can already feel the outbursts coming!
He's a champion of Chaos, he's new to plastic, and he's most likely going to inspire a scream-core band in your neighborhood! Bloodmaster the model has all new aura abilities and will be hitting tables soon, while Bloodmaster the band has a new drummer and will be hitting dive bars this spring.
Of all Khorne's heralds, few are as feared as Skulltaker. This brutal Bloodletter has a particular hunger for the heads of heroes, ever in search of the very greatest skulls to lay at the feet of the Skull Throne.
He's also the most Warhammer model of all time, according to a very scientific survey. Skulltaker is mad, he's bad, and he'll be at your game store shortly!
Skull Altar of Khorne
Continuing the cool scenics with rules trend, the Skull Altar of Khorne will have rules for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar as well as Warhammer 40,000!
All of these Khorne based goodies are available from your local game store or independent Games Workshop stockist now!