Gang Beasts is a multiplayer party game where players control gelatinous characters and take part in slaptstick fight sequences. It's a party game meant
Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: E3 2017, gran turismo, gran turismo sport, sony, Sony E3
Gran Turismo Sport Asks Us To Join The Human Race At Sony's E3 Show
Sony isn't dropping their trailers on to you tube as they appear at the Sony E3 press conference, so we'll be going out of order for those of you who are sitting here watching the stream.
Instead of showing us Uncharted 4: The Lost Legacy, the new Horizon: Zero Dawn DLC, or Days Gone, Sony dropped a Gran Turismo Sport trailer to youtube during the show. So while the E3 press conference is dazzlling you with some incredible RPG action, take a second to join the human race with Gran Turismo Sport ahead of time.
Gran Turismo Sport will launch this fall.

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