Posted in: Card Games, Games, Tabletop | Tagged: mattel, Nonpartisan Uno, UNO
Mattel Releases A "Nonpartisan Uno" To Avoid Politics
You know we live in the worst timeline when even Uno needs to change the colors on their cards to get politics away from families. Mattel has released a brand new version of the classic card game called Nonpartisan Uno. It's meant to be a light-hearted jab at the idea that politics have become so terrible the past few years, there was only one way to counter it! By removing the Red and Blue cards from the decks and replacing them with Orange and Purple, respectfully. It doesn't change a single thing about the game whatsoever, all they did was remove to colors so people wouldn't get all "triggered" over the colors representing the two political parties in many countries.
Again, it's no one way/shape/form an attack on either party, a declaration, a movement, or any other political crap. This was literally a marketing move from a company looking to make some sales off a classic. And the best way they managed to do that was to go after something that probably divided a lot of families over the most recent holiday. Take the joke for what it's worth. Or don't, and get angry over a card game, proving that you desperately need anger management.