Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: Lopunny, Niantic, Niantic Labs, pokemon, pokemon go
Mega Lopunny Is The New Mega Raid Coming To Pokémon GO
Before Mega Manectric was announced in Pokémon GO, we at Bleeding Cool wrote "There is no telling if this Mega addition will be related but, assuming it is, there are only two Mega Pokémon with Electric-typing: Ampharos, which is already out, and Manectric. Stay tuned for confirmation, but my current theory is that Manectric will enter the Mega Raid cycle this day." Shortly after that, Mega Manectric was confirmed. Then, when the April 2021 events were announced in Pokémon GO with a surprise raid starting this coming Sunday, we wrote "Now, this new Mega Raid will begin the same day as the Spring into Spring event, which will focus on 'spring- and Egg-themed surprises.' This is also Easter Sunday. It's for sure going to be Mega Lopunny." Well, it looks as if we're the Niantic Nostradamus. (Or, as a great man may have once said, the Quasimodo of Pokémon GO.) Mega Lopunny has now been confirmed as the newest Mega Raid coming to Pokémon GO.
Mega Lopunny is going to be a strange one. Personally, I can't see it getting much use in Pokémon GO raids due to its typing of Normal/Fighting. It is the first Fighting-type Mega which may potentially give it some use, but the Normal part of its dual typing will also saddle it with new vulnerability while not doing much to correct the weaknesses of Fighting-types. The real Fighting-type Megas to look forward to are Mega Mewtwo X (which will have a Psychic/Fighting-type that is very spicy), Heracross (Bug/Fighting-type), Blaziken (Fire/Fighting-type), Medicham (Fighting/Psychic-type), Lucario (Fighting/Steel-type which will certainly redefine the Fighting-type meta once it's released due to how dominant Lucario non-Mega Evolved already is), and Mega Gallade (Psychic/Fighting-type).
Will Pokémon GO continue to release new Mega Evolutions every month? It'll be fun to see if Bleeding Cool can continue to predict the upcoming Megas!