Heatran returns to Five Star Raids this month in Pokémon GO. With these raiding tips, it can be defeated by a pair of prepared trainers.
Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: Hoopa, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go, Season of Mischief
Pokémon GO Announces Season Of Mischief With Hoopa Release
Niantic has announced the next Season of Pokémon GO. The Season of Mischief will introduce Hoopa to the game and will include the first-ever season-long Special Research quest. There's a lot to digest here, so let's get into the details.
Niantic posted a ton of information about the upcoming Season of Mischief over at the official Pokémon GO blog. Here's everything you need to know about this Hoopa-themed Season distilled into bullets. Let's go!
- Date/Time: The Season of Mischief will last from September 1st, 2021 until December 1st, 2021.
- Special Research: The season-long quest will be released on September 1st. Content will be released throughout the season that allows players to progress. It will focus on Hoopa.
- Hoopa: Hoopa (in its Confined forme) will be released through that Special Research. Players will be able to access tasks that will lead to Hoopa's official release on September 5th. Hoopa cannot be transferred to Pokémon HOME during its initial release.
- Hoopa Release Event: This will be a Psychic-type and Ghost/Dark-type Incense Day on Sunday, September 5th from 11 AM – 5 PM. It will include double transfer Candy as a bonus and there will be a free bundle in the shop.
- Bonus Event: Completing the Special Research will unlock a special event at the end of the season that is also Hoopa-related. "Unlock" makes me wonder if this means that the Special Research will culminate in an encounter with Hoopa Unbound.
- Mystery dates: The blog pegs eight dates as notable, with the following text for each of them:
- September 1st: Welcome to the Season of Mischief
- September 5th: Hoopa's Arrival
- September 8th: ???
- September 21st: ???
- Two unspecified dates in each October & November: ???
- Tease: Niantic writes "Throughout the Season, you can look forward to mischief! What strange occurrences will be happening in Pokémon GO? You'll have to wait and see!"
- Ditto: Ditto will be available to encounter in its Shiny form. It can now appear as Gastly, Drowzee, Remoraid, Teddiursa, Gulpin, Numel, Skunky, Dwebble, or Foongus.
Stay tuned for more information on hemisphere-exclusive spawns in Pokémon GO.

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