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Pokémon GO Battle League Season 9: Master Premier Classic Nov. 2021
GO Battle League Season Nine is on its final leg in Pokémon GO. A run of Ultra League has wrapped up, and now it's time for Master League, Master League Premier Classic, and a player's choice Cup which was voted for on Twitter to be the Kanto Cup. The standard Master League Premier Classic allows Pokémon with any CP but bans those who are either Legendary or Mythical as well as those who have been powered up with Candy XL. Let's take a look at the meta for this new combined league.
The current top 20 species and moves to use in Pokémon GO's Master League Premier Classic are:
- Shadow Gyarados: Dragon Breath, Aqua Tail, Crunch
- Metagross: Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash, Earthquake
- Garchomp: Mud Shot, Sand Tomb, Outrage
- Dragonite: Dragon Breath, Dragon Claw, Hurricane
- Shadow Snorlax: Lick, Body Slam, Superpower
- Exacdrill: Mud Shot, Drill Run, Rock Slide
- Togekiss: Charm, Ancient Power, Flamethrower
- Shadow Dragonite: Dragon Breath, Dragon Claw, Hurricane
- Gyarados: Dragon Breath, Aqua Tail, Crunch
- Shadow Metagross: Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash, Earthquake
- Sylveon: Charm, Moonblast, Psyshock
- Shadow Magnezone: Spark, Wild Charge, Mirror Shot
- Mamoswine: Powder Snow, Avalanche, Bulldoze
- Snorlax: Lick, Body Slam, Superpower
- Shadow Machamp: Counter, Cross Chop, Rock Slide
- Shadow Gardevoir: Charm, Synchronoise, Shadow Ball
- Magnezone: Spark, Wild Charge, Mirror Shot
- Shadow Electivire: Thunder Shock, Ice Punch, Wild Charge
- Swampert: Mud Shot, Hydro Cannon, Sludge Wave
- Milotic: Dragon Tail, Surf, Blizzard
Since this is a new combination of the Master Classic and Master Premier League in Pokémon GO, take a look at a few bonus counters beyond the top 20 that rank high in the meta:
- Shadow Mamoswine: Powder Snow, Avalanche, Bulldoze
- Heracross: Counter, Close Combat, Rock Blast
- Electivire: Thunder Shock, Ice Punch, Wild Charge
- Shadow Swampert: Mud Shot, Hydro Cannon, Sludge Wave
- Hippowdon: Ice Fang, Rock-type Weather Ball, Earth Power
- Conkeldurr: Counter, Dynamic Punch, Stone Edge
- Goodra: Dragon Breath, Power Whip, Draco Meteor
- Machamp: Counter, Cross Chop, Rock Slide