Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: Deoxys, enigma week, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go, ultra unlock, unown
Pokémon GO Enigma Week Review: Better Than Dragon Week?
Enigma Week, the second act of the three-part Ultra Unlock event in Pokémon GO, is ending tomorrow. The final phase of Ultra Unlock will begin with Friday's rollout of Unova Week, but for now, we at Bleeding Cool take a look back at Enigma Week for a comprehensive review of what worked, what didn't work, and what made us all realize how real the struggle was in this Pokémon GO event.
Enigma Week Spawns
Spawns were actually much improved over Dragon Week. While Dragon Week did have the bonus of the rare Gible spawn, it suffered from featuring the Shiny release of Deino which was nowhere to be found in the wild. Enigma Week's Shiny release was that of Staryu, which was plentiful in the wild. The variant of other Shiny-capable spawns, such as Baltoy, Jigglypuff, Beldum, and Clefairy was a terrific bonus that made for fun, varied hunts.
Elgyem was also a newly introduced Pokémon, and it appeared in the wild at the perfect rate: enough to farm candy without detracting from the Shiny-capable Pokémon that most would want to hunt.
Enigma Raids
Niantic treated Unown raids basically how they treated Gible raids: they kept them far and few between in order to keep Unown as a rare, coveted species. Remote Raid Invites made Unown raids doable, but they were far from plentiful, making it very difficult to hunt the Shiny Unown.
On the Mythical side of things, Deoxys was a fun raid boss with a terrific Shiny. Deoxys is another Tier Five raid boss that is duoable, which left well-seasoned Pokémon GO trainers with a fun challenge to take advantage of. There would have been more incentive to keep raiding Deoxys after obtaining the Shiny if Deoxys were tradable, but Niantic is keeping it, for now, trade locked.
Overall, while the event's 7KM gift Eggs included nothing as spicy as Dragon Week's Eggs, the hatch-rate and variety was much better. Cleffa, in particular, was nice to see at such an increased rate, especially because it has been out of Eggs for so long.
Shiny Release
This event saw the release of Staryu, Deoxys, and Unowns U, L, T, R, and A in their Shiny forms. Staryu and Deoxys were, as mentioned, spawning enough to warrant a hunt while Unown, on the other hand, led to much of the fanbase taking an L.
And no. Not a Shiny L.