Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: fashion week, Fashion Week 2021, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go
Pokémon GO Event Review: Fashion Week 2021 Hits Big
Pokémon GO started off the Season of Mischief with the Psychic Spectacular 2021 which was, compared to previous events of the same name, a dud. Now, the second event of the season, Fashion Week 2021, is wrapping up. Let's see if this Costume-themed event was any more exciting.
What worked for this Pokémon GO event
- Costumed Pokémon: Say what you will. It's almost a meme to hate on Costumed Pokémon. Fact is, most players love 'em. I love 'em. Costumed Pokémon give hardcore players something new to hunt for in a game that increasingly offers little new content. The days of a new Shiny release every event are long gone, but adding a Shiny-capable variant of a favorite Pokémon gives a fun and mostly low stakes chase.
- Shiny release: Blitzle!
- Availability: Most of the available costumed Pokémon were in the wild. Those that weren't — Sneasel, Shinx, and Smoochum — were in raids or eggs with a highly boosted Shiny rate. The rarer spawns of Kirlia and Butterfree were also in raids but weren't prohibitively hard to find in the wild. This made for a perfectly structured and fair event to hunt various chase Shinies.
- Research to do: We had a new page of the Season-long Hoopa research, a Fashion Week 2021 Timed Research, and the free Meloetta Special Research. That was a lot to do without being overwhelming.
- Fashion Challengers: These were awesome. Non-Rocket battles like this should be a permanent aspect of the game.
- Communication: Pokémon GO finally did what we asked last year after their lack of transparency over Costume Kirlia's Shiny-capability in 2020: they straight up listed what could and couldn't be Shiny. This was a huge improvement over last year's Fashion Week in that way and… well, honestly, every way.
What didn't work for this Pokémon GO event
- Nothing: This was a perfect event that was fun to play from start to finish.
What makes Fashion Week 2021 so good is that not only was it fun and not only did it give Pokémon GO players a lot to do, but it also enriched the game beyond the event — permanently. Blitzle was released as a Shiny Costumed Pokémon during the event and now, post-event, Blitzle is available without a costume and is still Shiny-capable.

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