Posted in: Card Games, Games, Pokémon TCG, Tabletop | Tagged: Chandelure, pokemon, pokemon cards, Pokemon TCG, Scarlet & Violet
Pokémon TCG Japan Reveals Ex Starter Deck: Chandelure Line
Chandelure, Lampent, and Litwick get new cards from the Pokémon TCG Japan's upcoming ex Starter Decks. Are you a player or collector?
A wave of Pokémon TCG ex Starter Decks are coming to Japan on July 7th, 2023. The ex Starter Decks will go for 550 yen and have not yet been revealed for English-language release. These will likely be brought into another Pokémon TCG expansion or even as SV Black Star Promos. The ex Starter Decks will include Decidueye ex, Clefable ex, Greninja ex, Vicitni ex, Houndoom ex, Melmetal ex, Miraidon ex, and Koraidon ex. There will also be two secret decks that have not yet been revealed. The Pokémon ex mechanic, the main mechanic of this new era, continues in these decks. Today, let's take a look at some cards featuring the Chandelure line.
While Chandelure does not get an ex card here, it does have its entire line featured. The Litwick evolutionary family is a favorite of mine, and the artwork here does not disappoint. The artist credits on these cards are quite difficult to make out, so I'd love to see if our Bleeding Cool readers can use their knowledge of the Pokémon TCG's stable of talented artists to guess the contributing illustrators. Litwick has a vibrant and cartoony style, as it leaps for joy outside of what appears to be a haunted house. Its evolution Lampent takes things inside of this house for a much more serious card using brown towns, showing this Fire/Ghost-type Pokémon shining a light in a lush library. Finally, the line culminates with Chandelure, and we can identify this cartoony, unique style using flat colors with wide variety and thin but confident linework as belonging to Haru Akasaka, who debuted in Crown Zenith with Zamazenta V Special Illustration Rare.
Japanese sets often give us early ideas of what the English-language sets may include, so be sure to keep an eye on our coverage. You can stay tuned for previews of Scarlet & Violet cards as well as updates on everything Pokémon TCG right here at Bleeding Cool.