Posted in: 505 Games, Control, E3, Games, Video Games | Tagged: 505 Games, control, e3, E3 2019, remedy
Remedy's "Control" is Strange, Intriguing, and Absolutely Stunning
Remedy's newest game is Control, which was announced just last year during Sony's E3 press conference. And while the game seemed to be all over the place when it was announced, it still made it to our "Most Anticipated Games of 2019" list because we just can't help but be sucked in by any Sam Lake project.
We were able to go hands on with the game at E3 this year, and, honestly, if it weren't for some technical difficulties with the live build of the game being shown at the demo, this would have been the clear winner of the show. 505 were showing off the game using Nvidia's Ray Tracing technology for a full RTX demo of the game, and the diffuse lighting, opaque and transparent reflections, and shadows make Control look better than you'd ever a think a game could look.
Honestly, just taking time to stare at the use of transparent reflections in water and glass surfaces in the game is an absolute treat.
As for the gameplay, well. The story is about as strange as you'd expect from a "new weird" genre game. You play as Jesse Faden, the new Director of the Federal Bureau of Control, who needs to save the Bureau from a hostile takeover. A hostile force known as the "Hiss" have killed the former Director and taken control of large portions of the Burea's headquarters.
The E3 demo used a live build of the game, so naturally it had some problems. Several players in my demo group got stuck with a bug that reverted the mission state back to the original objective, and for some, the only solution was to delete their save file and start over. Which is pretty not great for a lengthy demo session for an immersive title. And especially for one set to release in just a few months time.
However, the demo did show off the game's combat, traversal systems, Jesse's ability to fling objects around, and the game's lack of a quest marker system. You actually have to listen to the directions given in-game in order to figure out where to go next, so you can't just follow a map HUD marker as you run through the confusing and labyrinthine HQ. The third-person-shooter combat and telekinetic abilities are absolutely fantastic, with slick controls and quick speeds.
So, really, Remedy has done a fantastic job on this game. We just hope they manage to work the kinks out before launch day.
Control is set to release on August 27, 2019.