Posted in: Bethesda Softworks, Board Games, Figures, Games, Tabletop | Tagged: Fallout, Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, rpg
Save Your Caps! Modiphius Bringing 'Fallout' RPG to Wasteland Near You!
The first time I played Bethesda's Fallout (Fallout 3, thank you very much), I was struck by how great of a table-top role playing game the setting would make. I even adapted the setting to a pen and paper setting, but I am something of a hyperactive gibbon when adapting rules. It would take an entity with far more attention to detail than I to grapple with this task.
Now, Modiphius Entertainment just dropped this news:
FALLOUT: WASTELAND WARFARE – TABLETOP ROLEPLAYING IN THE WASTELAND! We're proud to announce the first ever officially licensed roleplaying game for the Fallout series. Build your crew from a wide range of factions, allies and iconic characters from the FALLOUT series, or even create your own, and play in apocalyptic roleplaying adventures across the wasteland! This expansion for the miniatures game will be followed by a 2d20 version in 2020!
Oh, my sweet bouncing Deathclaw.
Delve into abandoned Vaults, ruined cities, strange facilities, and antiquated military bases. Encounter Super Mutants, Raiders, Survivors, Vault Dwellers, the Brotherhood of Steel, the Institute and the Enclave, and many more! Will you roam wide and far, or build up and protect your settlement? For those who want to create their own unique characters, use the faction based Archetype cards to start your own hero and see them grow from adventure to adventure.
If I end up being able to play Nick Valentine, or Nick Valentine's neighbor, or Nick Valentine's best pal Salvadore Meatshield… I'm going to lose any sense of composure that I have.
Modiphius is starting out by releasing a supplement to their popular Fallout: Wasteland Warfare miniatures game, and will be following up with a full-on role playing game system utilizing their incredibly cool 2d20 RPG System in 2020. If your curious about that system, Modiphius uses it in their Star Trek Adventures RPG, and you can read about that here.
The Fallout: Wasteland Warfare RPG Expansion is designed for a game master and up to 6 players, and includes the following:
- Complete rules for tabletop roleplaying in the wasteland, based on the popular Fallout: Wasteland Warfareminiatures game.
- Full rules for character creation, archetypes and original player ideas alongside existing characters from theFallout universe.
- Packed with lots of full colour photographic scenes of the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare range to inspire your adventures!
- Interact with familiar characters and creatures drawn from the world of Fallout.
- Background on the locations and factions that players can encounter.
- Three free adventures in a linked campaign or for use as one-shot missions to support Gamemasters
- Guidance for players to build their settlement as a base of operations
- Advice and tools to help gamemasters create and run exciting new adventures in the Fallout universe.
Modiphius is also taking the extra step of including a code with your physical purchase that can be redeemed for digital copies, which really should be the industry standard, in my opinion.
There's already a great line of miniatures in place for the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare game, so adapting those to the rpg will be super easy. And Modiphius has packs of Nuka-Cola caps that they use for tokens in game. Clearly, they get Fallout.
The Fallout: Wasteland Warfare RPG Expansion is coming out late in 2019, keep it here for more information!