Posted in: Card Games, Games, Pokémon TCG, Tabletop | Tagged: pokemon, pokemon cards, Pokemon TCG, Scarlet & Violet, Spidops
The Cards Of Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet Part 3: Spidops Ex
Spidops ex is a new Paldean species that debuted in the Pokémon TCG's Scarlet & Violet base set which ushers the hobby into Generation 9.
The Scarlet & Violet era of the Pokémon TCG has begun. With Sword & Shield officially concluded, the Scarlet & Violet era kicked off in March 2023 with a focus on the ninth generation of Pokémon games and the new region: Paldea. It all began with Scarlet & Violet base set which was officially released in the United States on March 31st, 2023. This set introduced major, lasting changes to the hobby. Now, the borders of the cards have become silver, matching the Japanese releases. Another major change is that now each pack culminates in at least a holo-rare and two reverse holos. The major mechanic of this era is the lowercase ex, which feature a double holographic pattern of a horizontal shine and a starry sparkle. Full Art exs now use a green, foil outline around the Pokémon. Secret Rare section of expansions going forward feature Full Arts, Illustration Rares and Special Illustration Rare exs, Full Art Trainers, Special Illustration Rare Trainers, and Gold Hyper Rares. In today's first installment of this Scarlet & Violet base set spotlight, let's take a look at more Grass-type cards.
Scarlet & Violet has not one or two but three cards featuring Tarountula. Let's get to know this species through its Dex entries:
The ball of threads wrapped around its body is elastic enough to deflect the scythes of Scyther, this Pokémon's natural enemy.
The thread it secretes from its rear is as strong as wire. The secret behind the thread's strength is the topic of ongoing research.
Artist Tika Matsuno illustrates a cute Tarountula looking like it's waiting for a friend while Pani Kobayashi draws Tarountula climbing on a tree branch in the middle of a wintry snowfall. Kouki Saitou, who has been contributing to the Pokémon TCG for years and recently drew the nine-card connecting Art Rares from Crown Zenith, takes on the Tarountula that is shown descending from a tree. Finally, the line culminates in a border-breaking Pokémon ex featuring Spidops by takuyoa.
Stay tuned for the journey through this special set as we continue to spotlight the cards and artwork of Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet. Next time, the spotlight continues with the Galarian Gallery subset. You can read more about this iconic trading card game right here at Bleeding Cool.