Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: houndour, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go, Season of Rising Heroes
Tonight Is Houndour Spotlight Hour In Pokémon GO: May 2023
Tonight is Houndour Spotlight Hour in Pokémon GO which will close out the Season of Rising Heroes as the Season of Hidden Gems dawns.
Tonight is Houndour Spotlight Hour in Pokémon GO. From 6–7 PM tonight, Tuesday, May 30th, this Pokémon will appear throughout the hour with increased frequency in the wild. It will also be responding more frequently to Incense and will even pop up in spawn points that are not normally active. You will need to get out there and walk in order to activate that Incense buff, though. This is the fifth and final of five Spotlight Hours of May 2023 in Pokémon GO. Let's get into the details.
Can Houndour be Shiny in Pokémon GO?
The answer is "yes"! Houndour's standard form, pictured above, is black and brown with a grey skeletal motif running through its body. Houndour's base coloring is that of a Doberman. Shiny Houndour is quite similar but is, at least, noticeable. It looks like a blue filter was thrown haphazardly over the standard Houndour. Shiny Houndour's coat is blue and the brown muzzle and chest simply become a bit faded.
The Spotlight Hour bonus for tonight's Pokémon GO event is double Stardust for catching. This is one of the easiest bonuses to take advantage of in the game. All you have to do is drop two Star Pieces at the top of the hour to last the full Spotlight.
This isn't just the final Spotlight Hour of May 2023 but also the final Spotlight Hour of the Season of Rising Heroes. We do not yet know what the next Season of Pokémon GO will focus on, but it is likely Niantic will announce the early details today. Yesterday, they posted early teasers for the Season, which will be called the Season of Hidden Gems.
The first teaser showed Lucario and Krabby at the beach with a Trainer picking up a Gem.
The second showed Marill, Shellder, Krabby, Wingull, and Clauncher at the beach.
Be sure to check back on Bleeding Cool for daily updates on all things Pokémon GO.