Posted in: Games, Microsoft, Video Games | Tagged: microsoft, xbox, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X
Xbox Series X/S Consoles Go Up For Pre-Order Today
In case you were looking to pre-order your Xbox Series X or S version, good news, the pre-orders are up today. The console went up across multiple retailers online for the sale price, as suggested. Some sites are handling the influx well, others immediately sold out in short order with no timetable as to when they'll have new units available for purchase. So while it isn't ideal, the big takeaway a couple hours in (as of when we're writing this) is that at least it isn't the disaster that was Sony's pre-order fiasco from last week. Which they eventually apologized to their patrons for and said they'd be working on getting more units. Right now there's no way of telling whether the Bethesda buy-out had any impact, or whether the PS5's unavailability pushed some who were on the fence to go for the Xbox with them out of commission for the moment.
In the meantime, if you're looking for something fun and wrerd to tide yourself over, Microsoft has made a special little design for you to make. On their website, they have added a paper cut-out blueprint of both consoles that are accurate to the size which you can print out, cut up, fold and put together to make the consoles. There's nothing really significant about them its juts a fun activity to do at home or at work if you'd like to make your own toy version of either the X or S. We'll see how Microsoft responds to the current pre-order purchases happening after today and whether or not they;'ll crank out more units or stay the course. If Sony's response is any indication, it might be better safe than sorry on their part to produce more units regardless.